Chapter Eight

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Their match against the Slytherin was finally here.

"You need to be careful, Iris. The Slytherin play dirty." Fred said worried.

"Will you stop babying me? I'll be fine." She said annoyed.

"Are you sure you're up to playing? I mean you remember what happened last time."

"Well this time my boyfriend will do a better job at protecting me." Iris shot back, finally shutting him up. George laughed. Iris and Fred glared at him.

"Ok, I'll just be over here if you need me." George said, backing away having been sufficiently scolded. A few minutes later they mounted their brooms and took off.

Iris managed to grab the quaffle before Marcus Flint, the Slytherin chaser and captain. She passed it to Angelina who soon passed it back to her. She faked a shot then threw it to a wide open Katie who scored. Marcus tried to knock her off her broom, but she managed to nearly knock him off his, causing him to lose some altitude. Iris then grabbed the quaffle and took the shot scoring! A few minutes later she saw Marcus use a beater bat to knock a bludger at Oliver. Oliver fell off his broom.

"Iris what are you doing?" Fred yelled. Iris abandoned her post as chaser and assumed the keeper position. She was an amazing goalie back in the day and now she was putting her good skills to use defending the goals. Slytherin was having a hard time scoring. Iris sent the quaffle flying back into the hands of Angelina. The game soon ended with Harry catching the snitch. Gryffindor won! They didn't just win they crushed Slytherin making them win the quidditch cup.

"That was bloody brilliant. Where did you learn to play keeper like that?" Fred asked.

"I used to play a muggle sport called football where I played goalie which is pretty much the same as keeper."

She made her way to the hospital wing to see how Oliver was doing with the Gryffindor team in tow.

"Did we win?" Oliver asked when they entered.

"Did we win? We crushed them." Fred said enthusiastically. Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"How were you able to win without a keeper?"

"You should've seen her. Iris was brilliant." George piped up.

"Iris did what?"

"I kind of abandoned my post as chaser and took up keeper."

"She'd make a great keeper." Harry added.

"Thanks, but I'll stick to playing chaser."

"You should've seen Flint's face when she stepped in."

"We get it Fred. You're proud of your girlfriend."

"I bet she could play seeker if she even tried."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Freddie." George said.

"My brother did play seeker in Ilvermorny a while back. I guess it's in my blood." Which wasn't an entire lie. Her brother did play seeker and in fact he was the youngest seeker to ever play for Hogwarts.

"Your brother played quidditch?"

"Sorry about them Oliver. The twins tend to get excited when they get to stay out late." Iris apologized.

"Hey." Fred and George said offended. Oliver and Harry began laughing. Iris shook her head.

"Ok lets go you two." Iris said grabbing onto the twins' ears. She began to drag them out of the hospital wing.

"Ow. Fred get your girlfriend to stop."

Oliver and Harry couldn't stop laughing.

"Iris please let go."

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