Chapter Forty Five

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Iris was sitting on the couch in front of the fire in the heads' common room reading a book when Harry came tumbling through the door.

"Since when did we start selling admission to the heads' cave?" Simon, the head boy asked from his spot on the couch. It was the fourth time that Harry had come to visit that week and he wasn't the only one. Remmy was there almost every other day and so was Hermione, Ginny, Katie, Theo and Ron.

"Iris, can I talk to you a minute?" Harry asked.

"Sure, what's up?"

"In private." Harry said pointedly looking at Simon.

"Harry, just because you're the boy who lived doesn't mean you could kick everyone out of the room. Need I remind you this is the heads' quarters." Iris said, folding her arms.

"He's at it again, Iris." Harry said, waving a piece of parchment in his sister's face.

"I'm sorry, who are we talking about?" She asked, confused.

"I'm talking about Malfoy." Harry replied.

"Don't you have anything better to do then stalking your boyfriend on a bloody map?"

Harry's face went red.

"He's not my boyfriend." He said annoyed.

"What are you two talking about?" Simon inquiried. He had given up on trying to study for his N. E. W. T. s since his dorm mate and the boy who lived were making it impossible for him to study.

"Harry is convinced Malfoy's a death eater." Iris replied, closing the book she had been trying to read before Harry rudely.

"How do you know we could trust him?" Harry demanded glaring at Simon.

"Harry, Simon's muggle born and he's dating Veronica Flint." Iris answered nonchalantly.

"I told you not to tell anyone." Simon said, becoming all flustered.

"Marcus' sister? Isn't she a pureblood Slytherin?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes and that should be enough proof for you."

"But, what if she's using him? How do we know she's not a death eater?"

Iris went and smacked Harry on the upside of his head.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER! Why do you always think the worst of people? Theo's a Slytherin. How do we know he's not a double agent?"

"Leave your uncle out of this." Harry shot back.

"Uncle!?!" Simon said, sounding confused.

"Can I obliviate him?" Harry asked in all seriousness.

"No!" Iris and Simon chorused.

"But, he knows too much."

"Stop being paranoid." Iris shot back.

"Can someone please tell me what the bloody hell is going on? And what is that piece of parchment Harry keeps waving in your face."

"Iris is from the future." Harry said, pushing his sister forward.

"Right and I'm Batman." Simon snorted.

"No, I'm not joking, she really is."

"You know how insane you both sound?"

"See, this is why I want to obliviate him."

"We're not obliviating anyone." Iris said firmly.

"You know, it all makes sense. You knew about Pettigrew and Crouch jr and how you showed up at the ministry the day Sirius Black almost died."

"How'd you know about that?" Iris asked in surprise.

"I might have followed Harry and his friends to the ministry that day. Who do you think was responsible for Bellatrix not hurting you more than you were already hurt?" Simon stated.

"You should've been in Gryffindor." Iris said.

"The hat did consider it, but said I'd do better in Ravenclaw." Simon admitted.

"Now, are you going to explain to me what that parchment is all about?"

"No." Harry said at the same time that Iris said.


"Iris." Harry said annoyed.

"What?" Iris asked all innocently. She then plucked the map out of Harry's hand.

"It's a map of Hogwarts." She said handing it to Simon.

"Wicked." He said, letting out a whistle. A confused look suddenly crossed his face.

"Who's Iris Potter?" He asked and then he realized.

"Oh... you're related to Harry?"


"Cool so,does that mean Harry's dad is alive?"

"Um, yes."

"Then why doesn't Harry live with him?"

"It's complicated." Iris sighed.

"I have a question."

"What?" Harry asked, getting ticked off.

"Why does it say Iris is in the library when she's clearly here with us in the heads' dorm?"

"What!?!" Harry grabbed the map out of his hand and looked at it only to see he was right. Harry looked at the map and then at his sister.

"Iris, what did you do?" He demanded.

"What I had to."

"Are you out of your mind? You nearly died last year, what would dad say?"

"Wait, dad? You're brother and sister?" Simon said surprised.

"Yes and speaking of dad, what would he say?"

"This is exactly why I did it." Iris said angrily.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"You are overprotective and overbearing. I don't need a guard dog wherever I go." Iris snapped.

"Whoa, we're all friends here." Simon said choosing a very bad time to step in.

"Stay out of this Simon." Harry snapped. He then turned to Iris.

"You know what? You want to go and get yourself killed? Go ahead I'm done." And with that Harry stormed off. Iris sat down on the couch with a sigh.

"I'm sure he didn't mean that." Simon said, trying to comfort her.

"Simon leave me alone."

"Ok, but if you need anything I'm in my room."

An hour later someone was pounding on their door. Theo came running in a grim look on his face.

"Theo, is everything alright?" Iris asked worriedly.

"It's Ron, he's been poisoned."

Sorry, it's a bit on the short side.

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