Chapter 39

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"So, are you trying out for quidditch this year?" Remmy inquiried plopping himself across from his sister at breakfast one morning. Iris looked up from the book she was reading.

"What did you say?"

"You really are turning into Hermione." Remmy said piling up his plate. Iris gave him a light smack in the back of the head.

"I wasn't trying to insult you. Sheesh." Remmy said, annoyed. Iris looked over at the Slytherin's table. Draco made eye contact with her and gave her one of his signature smirks causing Iris to quickly look away. Curiously, Remmy turned around to see who she was looking at.

"Malfoy? Really?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"It's nothing." Iris stated, picking up a green apple.

"Need I remind you that you have a boyfriend."

"It's not like that." Iris said, slightly irritated.

"Really, because I haven't heard him call you a certain m word lately."

"Sirius Remus Evans, I swear to Merlin that nothing is going on between me and Malfoy." Iris snapped.

"Malfoy and I." Remmy corrected. Iris glared at him.

"If you dare write about this I will end you." She warned.

"You wouldn't."

"How about I tell Harry and Ginny about a certain pen name of yours." Iris threatened. Gossip witch's reign of terror got worse since her first post and Remmy was responsible for it.

"Don't you dare."

"Then trust me. Nothing is going on between Malfoy and I."

"So, are you trying out?" Remmy inquiried.


"Really? That's great. I'll have you know I'm also trying out."

"With your whole episode in Diagon Alley last year I'm not at all surprised."

"Can you please be supportive?" Remmy said, annoyed.

"I'm really supportive. I even got Harry a present so we don't have to hear Ginny yelling." Iris said, taking out a muggle lifeguard whistle.

"What are you two talking about?" Harry asked, sitting down next to them.

"Iris got you something, Captain Potter."

"You really didn't have to." Harry said, turning to his sister.

"Oh, trust me you're going to need this." Iris said, handing him the whistle. Harry's face went crimson.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked, embarrassed.

"Listen Harry, we love you and all so we're just going to say it. You can be a real Hufflepuff sometimes and that can get you pushed around on the pitch. So, trust me when I say this that we much rather you use that then have to listen to Ginny yelling."

Harry's face turned a deeper shade of crimson and he began sputtering. Ginny on the other hand who had just over heard the end of their conversation turned bright red.

Later on that day they all met at the quidditch pitch. Iris saw Harry taking out the whistle, so she quickly jammed her fingers in her ears. No one was expecting the whistle to be so shrill. Everyone clamped their hands over their ears.

"What the bloody hell Harry?" Ron demanded. Remmy was on the ground curled into a ball.

"Now that we got that out of the way. Just because you made the team last year doesn't mean you'll make it again this year. With that said everyone mount up." Harry ordered. Harry divided them into two teams.

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