Chapter Forty Nine

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"I can't believe dad grew up here. This place is huge." Remmy said, dropping his trunk on the floor in Potter Manor.

"That was my foot." Draco said annoyed.

"I can't believe this place is still standing. Didn't this place blow up?" Pansy asked, ignoring Draco's plight.

"You're thinking about my dad's home in Godric Hollow. This is where my dad grew up." Iris answered looking around.

"Can someone please get this bloody trunk off my foot?" Draco demanded.

"Move it yourself, you giant baby." Remmy said pushing past him.

"My fa...."

"Ther will hear about this. Hate to break it to you, but daddy ain't here. What's poor Drakey going to do without his daddy?" Remmy snickered.

"Shut up, Pottah." Draco snapped finally getting the trunk off his foot.

"That's reserved for my brother, Felton."

"It's Malfoy and I still can't believe you two are related to that four eyed freak." Draco shot back.

"Watch what you say about my family, ferret." Remmy growled his eyes flashing gold. Draco swallowed hard.

"What is he doing here?" He demanded.

"Oh get over yourself, princess. You're not the only one the death eaters and moldy shorts want. As far as the wizarding world is concerned I'm a muggle born, but in reality my blood is as pure as yours." Remmy said jabbing a finger at Draco's chest.

"Yeah like that's even possible." Draco snorted.

"Why, Theo didn't tell you who my darling mother is?" Remmy asked in mock surprise.

"Draco, stop bothering my nephew." Theo said.

"I'm sorry did you just say nephew!?!" Draco said in utter shock.

"Told you my blood was as pure as yours ." Remmy sang.

"Theo, your niece is hot." Blaise piped up. Remmy began making gagging sounds.

"Eww, that's my sister you're talking about. Need I remind you that her boyfriend could prank you in his sleep." He said.

"Of course she'd choose a blood traitor." Draco sneered.

"You're a blood traitor yourself, Malfoy." Remmy spat.

"Oh no. We are not having Malfoy vs Potter round two." Pansy said, stepping in between them.

"Iris, which room is mine and Veronica?" Simon asked, stepping through the door with his wife.

"Since when did Pottah Manor turn into a refuge?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We're all in the same boat, Malfoy." Simon said holding his ground.

"Please say this is not the Titanic because I really don't want to be Jack in this case." Remmy said. Everyone who didn't watch Titanic looked around utterly confused.

"Would someone kindly explain what he's talking about?" Pansy asked.

"It's a great muggle movie that hasn't come out yet." Iris replied.

"She's right. It doesn't come out for another year and it's a massive blockbuster success." Remmy piped up.

"Remmy shut up." Iris warned.

"Why? I feel like singing an amazing song." Remmy said.

"No one wants to hear you little brother. You're tone deaf."

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