Chapter one

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"This is a dream. This has to be a dream." Iris thought.

"I'm Gred."

"And I'm Forge."

"Iris." She couldn't believe the Weasley twins were standing in front of her.

"Are you new?"

"Fifth year transfer from Beauxbaton." She replied.

"So, you speak French?" Fred asked.

"Fluently." Iris stated.


"Say something in French."

"Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes."

"I don't even know what that means." Fred exclaimed .

"It means 'We protect those who cannot protect themselves.' It's My family motto."

"She's definitely a gryffindor." George stated.

"We'll just have to wait and see."

Suddenly the train stopped causing her to go flying into George. The lights flickered off and an eerie feeling filled the train. Iris pretended to be looking for her wand which she never had. She knew what was meant to happen next. Iris pickpocketed George's wand and thought of her happiest memories. She knew that it might not work. After all it was she never used magic before and a Patronus was a very difficult spell. Not to mention she might not even be a witch, but then she began to remember what Marlene had said earlier about accidental magic.

"What have I got to lose?" She thought.

She remembered the day her mum brought the twins her sister, Marlene Alice and little brother, Sirius Remus home from the hospital and when she made the school's football team. Memories of her family flooded her mind. Iris felt ready. She opened her hazel eyes and aimed the wand at the dementor.

"Expecto Patronum." To her shock a silvery doe shot out of the tip of the wand getting rid of the dementors. Fred and George stared at her shocked. A minute after the dementors vanished she gave George back his wand.

"Sorry. Couldn't find mine."

"Y-you used a Patronus." Fred stammered.

"Yes, Fredrick, glad to see you're catching on."

A middle aged man poked his head into their compartment.

"Everyone alright?" He asked. He almost did a double take when he saw her.

"Uh, yeah. We're alright."

He then took out a bar of chocolate and broke off a few pieces.

"Here. It will make you feel better."

"Thank you." Fred stated. Iris couldn't help, but smile.

"Moony." She thought to herself as she took a bite out of the dark chocolate. The train soon started up again. Fred, George and their friend Lee Jordan started up a conversation about Sirius Black breaking out of Azkaban.

Iris was lucky she was wearing her Universal Hogwarts robe and uniform. When she got off the train she and the first years got onto the boats to cross the black lake.

When the sorting ceremony began she was even more surprised to hear her name be called.

"Evans, Iris."

Iris headed to the front of the hall and sat under the sorting hat.

"I see courage. Lots and lots of courage and bravery. I also sense the loyalty and kindness along with the intelligence that you have, but where to put you? That is a tough question. Hmm... I know. Gryffindor."

The gryffindor table let out a cheer as she slowly made her way to the table. She plopped down next to Fred and George.

Things didn't add up.

"How did I end up in nineteen ninety three when it was literally two thousand and eleven this morning?" She wondered. Why was she transported back to this specific time? But, then she remembered her family motto and suddenly realized someone wanted her to change the future. But, why her? Why didn't they send anyone else? The question bugged her the whole supper.

"You ok Iris?" Fred inquired, bringing her back to her new reality.

"Yeah, perfect. Never better." She said a little too quickly. Fred gave her a look.


"You know you look a lot like a friend of mine." He said.

"Oh really and who is this friend of yours?" Iris asked, trying to tame her long, messy, raven black hair. She then picked up her pumpkin juice and took a sip.

"Harry Potter."

Iris spit out her pumpkin juice in Fred's face causing George and Lee burst out laughing.

"Sorry." Iris said feeling her cheeks go crimson.

"So, what's Beaubaxton like?" George asked.

"Too girly. A young lady never does x, y and z. Madame Maxime drove me nuts." Iris said with a look of disgust.

"Is that the reason you transferred?" Iris shot Fred an annoyed look.

"What? I was just asking." He said, putting up his hands in surrender.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." She said shortly.

"Oh, come on love. What was so bad that you had to leave?" Fred pressed.

"Did he just call me love?"

"Why don't you mind your own business, you annoying prat?" Iris snapped. Several goblets on the Gryffindor table melted.

"Did you just melt my goblet?" Fred asked with shock and surprised.

"Why would you assume it was me?" Iris asked annoyed.

"That was a bloody brilliant prank." Fred said. Iris let out a groan.

"Great, another person to blame me for something going wrong. You sound just like Sirius." She said sarcastically. Everyone around her turned and stared at her.

"Oh for Merlin's sake. I meant my brother Sirius not notorious mass murder Sirius Black. Honestly I don't know what my dad was thinking naming him after a constellation."

"You mean mass murder." George piped up. Iris glared at him.

"No he didn't. If you even knew what his middle name was you would shut your mouth." She shot back.

"Oh, uh, sorry. What is his middle name?" George asked slightly embarrassed.

"It's Remus." She said a little too loud causing Professor Lupin's head to shoot up with a worried look on his face.

"Is everything alright?" He asked coming over to them.

"Sorry, I didn't mean you. I was trying to tell this annoying git that my father did not name my brother after a mass murder. His name is Sirius Remus Evans. Why can't he get it through his thick skull?" Iris demanded. She gave Lupin an apologetic smile and turned back to the twins. The twins learned their lesson and did not bother her the remainder of supper.

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