Chapter Fifty

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Iris, Simon,Goyle and Draco apparated into Iris' childhood home on the far end of Privet Drive.

"Can I ask why we're in here and not down the road escorting Pottah?" Draco asked.

"Those idiots thought it would be great not to tell me what was going on, but they forgot I already know the future." Iris said grabbing a photo out of Goyle's hand and placing it back onto the mantle.

"Can I ask why the picture doesn't move?" Goyle asked.

"Muggle photos don't move." Iris replied bluntly. 

"What do you mean they don't move?" Draco asked.

"Exactly what I said. Muggle photos don't move unless it's a GIF." She answered heading for the front door.

"What's a GIF." Goyle and Draco echoed.

"Oh forget it." She grumbled as they stepped out onto the abandoned street. Just as Moody was about to slam the door to four Privet Drive Iris jammed her foot in the doorway.

"Uh, uh, uh Mad Eye. You're forgetting about me." Iris said cheekily, throwing open the door.

"No! She can't be here." Harry protested.

"Why dear brother I'm insulted." Iris fake gasped. She then turned to Remus and Tonks.

"Congrats on the wedding and the baby. If I'm not mistaken you're due around the same time as Veronica." She said.

"Who's Veronica?" Ron asked, confused.

"That would be my wife." Simon answered stepping forward.

"Yeah, yeah enough of that. Iris where is Remmy?" Harry demanded.

"I left Pany and Veronica incharge of Theo, Blaise and Remmy. I hope the house is not in shambles when I get back."

"It probably will be." Draco and Goyle said simultaneously.

"Hey, that's our thing." Fred and George parroted. Iris' eyes fell onto a very short man.

"Oh, no he can not be here. Get Mundungus out of here before he ruins everything." She said firmly.

"And why should I take orders from you?" Moody demanded.

"I don't know maybe because that coward is going to betray you and you're going to end up dead. I'm the only one here who can come back from the dead unlike you and if he stays you're going to end up dead." Iris shot back.

"Not everyone here is a Phoenix." Mundungus said insulted.

"Oh my mistake. I thought you were coerced to be here. Am I not wrong?" Iris asked, batting her eyelashes innocently. Mundungus muttered something under his breath.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

"Nothing." Mundungus said through gritted teeth.

"He was just leaving. Oh and I'll take  back everything you stole from the Black family." She said nonchalantly.

"He did what!?!" Sirius demanded.

"Oh Sirius, I didn't see you there. How's the wife?" Iris asked.

"Heavily pregnant." Sirius said bluntly.

"You're making it sound like she's due any day. She's not due until November." Remus pointed out.

"Well she's huge." Sirius argued.

"Just wait until she's in her ninth month. It's not like she's having twins. Trust me I would know. My family is the muggle version of the Weasley family." Simon said. Everyone burst out laughing.

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