Chapter Forty Two

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"Are you going to be staying at Hogwarts for the holidays?" Theo asked his niece.

"Not a chance. I don't want to be here for all the drama." Iris replied not looking up from the book she was reading.

"Drama? And since when did you turn into Hermione?"

"Hilarious." Iris said dryly, throwing her uncle a death glare.

"So, are you going to tell me about the drama you just mentioned?"

"Let's just say there's going to be a lot of drama and I'd rather not be here for it."

"That's very helpful." Theo said sarcastically.

"So, what are you doing? Going to spend it with Daphne?" Iris teased. She watched her uncle's face turn red.

"N-No. There's nothing going on between Daphne and I." Theo stammered.

"Ahah." Iris said, smirking.

"You are so annoying." Theo grumbled.

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment."

Iris shrugged then turned back to her book.

"You still didn't tell me what you're doing." She said turning the page.

"I plan on spending it with my family."

"Awww... I feel so honored."

"I'm talking about my sister, not you." Theo shot back annoyed.

"You'll still get to hangout with your favorite niece aka two year old me." Iris pointed out. Theo rolled his eyes.


"You know you love me." Iris said with a wink. She then slammed the book in her uncle's face and got up.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to go finish packing."

Iris was glad to be back in Grimmauld Place that Christmas and she was surprised Harry was staying back at Hogwarts. Especially since he hadn't seen his father in close to fifteen years. But, Slughorn's Christmas party must've been really important.

Iris sat down for an order of the Phoenix meeting on Christmas Eve.

"I don't understand why you had to call a meeting on the holiday? Why can't we have a little fun?" She said turning to Fred with a mischievous grin.

"I like where you're going with this." Fred said.

"I  don't. You think you know who is sitting down for a Christmas dinner and sitting around a tree opening presents?" James asked sarcastically.

"Sheesh prongs, since when were you so serious?" Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know? Maybe because he's after two of my kids." James said angrily. Theo burst into the room holding a screaming baby Iris.

"Sorry to interrupt, but this baby refuses to stop crying and Gwen's out and I don't know what to do." He said frantically over the wails of his niece. James grumbled and took his toddler out of his bewildered brother in law's hands. But, as much as tried, she refused to calm down.

"Padfoot, she's all yours." James said handing the wailing baby to Sirius.

"Me? I'm the last person who knows anything about babies. Why are you handing her to me?" Sirius said immediately handing her over to Remus.

"But, you were great with Harry."  James argued.

"That was sixteen years ago." Sirius reminded him.

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