Chapter 3

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As Iris ate supper she wondered how she was going to prove it. How was she supposed to prove him innocent if the man responsible was nowhere to be found? Not to mention being thought dead for the last twelve years. She then remembered where Peter Pettigrew was and an evil smile began to creep its way onto her face.

"Plotting another prank? Are we?"

She turned her attention onto the twins.


"You know I was thinking Georgie." Fred began.

"Wow. You actually use that brain of yours for something other than pulling pranks." She teased. Fred rolled his eyes.

"You were saying Freddie." George said, completely ignoring Iris's comment.

"I was saying we should work together instead of pranking each other."

"Where's the fun in that?" She inquired. George burst out laughing when he saw his twin's expression.

"She has a point you know."

"Excuse me, I'm hurt. Who's side are you on?" Fred demanded. George smirked.

"So, if I were to team up with you what's in it for me?"

"Are you always this difficult?"

"I'm usually way worse."

Fred let out a groan.

"What's the matter Weasley? What happened to those cheerful and funny remarks?"

"You're impossible."

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment."

Iris just shrugged. Fred and George picked up their cups.

"I wouldn't drink that." Iris said, grabbing it out of their hands. They both gave her death glares. Just then they heard yelling. Fred and George looked around the room and watched in amusement as all the gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and ravenclaws' hair turned Slytherin green. The Slytherin's turned gryffindor red. Iris hid a smile.

"That was you?" Fred asked, turning back to her.

"Maybe." She said sheepishly.

"How did you manage to pull this off?"

"A master prankster never reveals their secrets, but I will have you know that I prepared a special one for dear old snivellus."

"Who's snivellus?" George inquired.


Iris hid a smile when she saw Snape's hair change colors.

"He hasn't even realized yet." Fred smirked.

"His hair will change color depending on his mood. He'll be stuck like that for a week unless he washes it. Which I highly doubt he'll do."

Fred and George started laughing again.

"Mr and Mr Weasley."

"Speak of the devil." Iris muttered.

"Hello Professor Snape." Fred said.

"You two have detention."

"What did we do?"

"You know what you did."

Iris couldn't help, but laugh.

"Miss Evans, care to tell me what you find so amusing?" Snape demanded turning to her.

"I just find it hilarious that you always suspect those two."

"So, you're saying you had something to do with this?"

"I'm just saying this prank doesn't have these two MO written all over it. They wouldn't have come up with such a brilliant scheme."

"Hey." Fred said, offended.

"Detention Miss Evans."

"Sorry I already have with Professor Lupin, but I'm honored you want to spend time with the master of pranks."

She watched as Snape stormed off muttering something along the lines:

"I swear she has to be related to that idiot Potter."

Iris finished eating.

"I'm off." She announced standing up. She made her way over to Lupin's classroom with an "innocent" smile on her face.

Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin