Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Iris." Harry said, turning to his sister.

"Uh, surprise." Iris said slowly.

"Are there any other unexpected family members that I should know about?" Harry inquired.

"Well, there's Marlene, my twin oh and then there's Uncle Charlie, mum's best friend and mine, Iris's and Marlene's godfather." Remmy replied. Iris's face went red.

"Uh, sis you ok?" Remmy asked, giving her a strange look. Iris didn't say anything. She began to replay the conversation she had with Charlie Weasley almost a year ago.

"It all makes sense now. Oh, Merlin this can't be happening."

"What's the matter sis?"

"How could I have not figured it out. His last name was pretty much a dead giveaway and the ginger hair and burns. Mum said he was a firefighter."

"Are you talking about uncle Charlie?"

"Mum's best friend in Hogwarts was Charlie Weasley."

An evil smile made its way onto Remmy's lips.

"This is great." He said slyly. Iris gripped her wand knowing full well what her brother was about to say.

"Don't you dare." She warned.

"Iris has a crush on one particular Weasley and it wasn't Fred."

"If you dare continue I will end you." She growled.

"This suddenly got interesting." Fred said conjuring a bin of popcorn.

"Was it me? Oh, Iris I'm so honored." George said cheekily, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"It wasn't you either and it wasn't Percy or Ron." Remmy said making his way towards the door.

"That leaves Charlie and Bill." Ron said, trying to take some of the twins' popcorn, but Fred swatted his hand away.

"No touchy."

"Remmy, if you say one more word I swear I will end you."

"Well Ron was pretty much on the money. It was Charlie, her very own godfather. How awkward." Remmy sprinted out of the room with Iris hot on his trail.

"I am going to kill you." Iris screamed.

"Harry help." Remmy pleaded hiding behind his big brother.

"Move out of the way Harry." Iris ordered.

"Not going to happen little sis."

"Little sis? I'm older than you are currently. Now if you don't move the thing you'll fear most is me more than Voldemort." Iris threatened.

"You have at least two years before his name becomes taboo." Remmy piped up, still hiding behind Harry.

"Stop telling him the future." Iris yelled.

"It's not my fault that a certain someone found out about their future and you had to oblivate them." Remmy shot back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. Iris oblivated someone." Moody said.

"Great going little brother." Iris said dryly.

"This is really serious." Tonks said.

"I know it is." Sirius and Remmy said.

"Is everything a joke to you two?" Lupin demanded.

"I find it quite funny." Sirius chuckled.

"Highly amusing." Snape said in a monotone.

"What's he doing here?" Ron demanded.

"And the story keeps getting better and better. Fred we need more popcorn over here." George said.

"We actually trust Snape." Iris and Remmy said.

"How can you trust old snivellus?" Sirius demanded.

"You need to let go of this stupid childhood rivalry you have. Has it ever occurred to you, that you being mean to Snape would cause him to take out his anger on Harry?"

"Are you sure you're James' daughter? How could anyone like that slimy git?" Sirius said, raising an eyebrow.

"That slimy git has saved Harry more than you have in your lifetime." Iris shot back.

"Besides, everyone loves Snape in the future." Remmy piped up. Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"Remmy, Silencio." Iris said aiming her wand at her brother effectively shutting him up.

"Ah, peace has been restored."

"Wait a minute. Who did you oblivate?" George asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." Iris snapped.

"Moody do something."

"What are you all looking at me for?" Moody demanded.

"But, she just admitted to oblivating someone." George protested.

"And I'm sure she had a pretty good reason." Moody said calmly.

"Moody why are you taking her side?" George demanded. Remmy took out a quill and paper and got George's attention.

She oblivated you and Fred, George.

George's eyes widened.

"You oblivated me and Fred." He screamed.

"Wait, my girlfriend oblivated me." Fred did not sound happy.

"I, uh had a really good reason to." She said hesitantly.

"Well, your perfectly good reason didn't make you realize that it would cause you to break up with me." Fred shot back angrily.

"Fred, I-"

"Save your excuses. I'm done." Fred said, cutting her off.

"You know what, fine." Iris ripped off the golden snitch necklace that Fred had given her and threw it in his face.

It was killing her that she couldn't tell Fred the truth. As she headed up to her room before allowing herself to cry she let out a scream causing half of London to lose their power.

When everything finally settled down. Everyone began looking for Iris, but she was nowhere to be found.

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