Pranking Little Percy

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"Uncle Fred can  you please stop? I'm trying to read." Six year old Percy Weasley II said pushing his round horned glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"You think that was me? I'm insulted." Fred gasped dramatically. Percy gave his godfather a look.

"Oh really, then who was it? You're the only one other then uncle George who love to prank others and uncle George is not here. So, In conclusion it had to be you." The ginger haired boy who looked strikingly like his late father said folding his arms.

This wasn't the first time Fred had tried to prank his nephew. Ever since the boy was born, Fred vowed he'd take care of him, but he didn't expect Percy to turn out to be exactly like his father. The boy may have been six, but he could run circles around dozens of Hogwarts students in the amount of knowledge he knew.

"So, what are you reading?" Fred asked. His nephew gave him a strange look.

"Uncle Fred are you ok?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because you don't seem like the type to be interested in books unless it had to do with quidditch or pranking."

"Am I allowed to know what my nephew is reading?"

"No." Percy said bluntly burring his face into the book again.


"Alright, I'm reading Ilvermorny a history. You would have known that if you just looked at the cover." Percy simply said.

"You are too much like your father." Fred said with a sigh.

"Is that a bad thing?" Percy asked raising an eyebrow.

"Percy, you six years old. You have plenty of time to study and read when you get to Hogwarts. Why don't you loosen up a little?" Fred said exasperated.

"I'm reading, how much more loose can I get?" Percy said annoyed.

"A lot more."

"What do you want me to do? Set off fireworks in my stepdad's quidditch trophy room? Or replace his whistle with one loaded with glitter?"

"Great way to give someone ideas. Did you know that the current DADA professor, Remus Lupin was the master mind behind the marauders' pranks?" Fred said. Percy looked up from his book in surprise.

"Remus Lupin was a prankster?"

"Yes, now please put the book away and come outside."

"If it's quidditch I'm out. I already have one quidditch obsessed maniac that's constantly breathing down my neck about playing the dumb sport." Percy warned.

"You haven't played Weasley quidditch."

"Fine." Percy grumbled putting the book down. After a long game of quidditch Percy ran back inside to finally finish his book. As he opened it to the spot where he left off sneezing powder exploded in his face.


"Uncle Fred."

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