Chapter Twenty Nine

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The sun had already set hours ago in the mountains of Romania. Charlie Weasley sat down tiredly on the couch in his small apartment. It had been a long and exhausting day taking care of dragons. As he sipped his cup of tea his mind wandered to the events that had happened that year. A loud crack startled him. Charlie drew his wand and headed to the door wondering who in the world could possibly be bothering him at this hour of the night.

When he opened the door he was surprised to see a teary eyed Iris standing there with her trunk. Before him could say anything she hugged him.

"Iris, is everything all right?" He asked.

"Not really. I didn't know where else to go. Can I stay here?" She asked in a low voice.

"Uh, sure." Charlie said slowly, letting her inside. She plopped down on the couch as he went into the kitchen to make her a cup of tea. When he returned he found her passed out on the couch. He let out a sigh, took out an extra blanket and placed it on his goddaughter.

Charlie was woken up in the middle of the night to Iris' sobbing. He stumbled out of his room and headed to the living room.

"Iris." He said softly sitting down next to her.

"F-Fred and I broke up." She sniffed. Charlie was a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

"T-Terrible things are going to happen in this war a-and I had to oblivate Fred and George because they f-found out st-stuff that pertained to their future. H-He hates me and it's all thanks to my idiotic younger brother. He told them. He told them that I oblivated them. Why can't Remmy ever keep his mouth shut?" Iris stammered between the sobs.

"Was it that bad that you had to oblivate them?" He inquired.

"Yes it was that bad. It would've destroyed the timeline." Iris replied uneasily.

"No offense, but aren't you messing up the timeline by being here?"

"I'm actually here to preserve it and someone else is trying to wreck it. Remmy's a wildcard. He's not supposed to be here. He's giving away very important information that could change the future."

"How many siblings do you have?" Charlie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well there's Harry, me, my idiotic younger brother Sirius Remus and his twin sister Marlene. And yes we are a handful. I know I sound crazy, but he's not supposed to be here. He's a blabber mouth. He is worse than Fred and George." She blabbered.

"Everything's going to be ok." Charlie said soothingly, bringing her in for a hug.

When September first rolled around, Charlie apprated her to Kings Cross station.

"Are you going to be ok?" He inquired, helping her with her trunk.

"I hope so." She whispered.

"I'm always one letter away, remember that." He said. Then he reached into the bag he was carrying and pulled out a small gift.

"Happy birthday."

Iris gave him a faint smile as she ripped open the packaging to reveal a necklace with a phoenix charm.

"Thank you." She said feeling her eyes tear up.

"You're going to be ok." He said, giving her one final hug.

Charlie watched his goddaughter board the Hogwarts express.

"Charlie what are you doing here?" Mrs. Weasley asked, surprised.

"Seeing my goddaughter off." He replied trying to stay calm.

"You're saying Iris was with you this whole time?" Lupin said. Charlie nodded.

"Oh,thank Merlin. We thought you know who had her." Mrs. Weasley said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Charlie is everything alright?" Tonks inquired, noticing the look on her childhood friend's face.

"I hope we're not too late."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Mrs. Weasley asked concerned.

"She hasn't been herself lately and I fear that if she doesn't get it together soon we're in trouble." Charlie replied grimly.

Charlie had every right to be concerned. As Iris made her way down the train's narrow hallway she felt death glares being casted her way. Fred and George managed to tell all her friends what she has done and to make matters worse she saw Fred with his arm around Alicia. Iris felt betrayed. How dare he move on so quickly.

The magic surrounding Iris was getting dangerously high and almost caused the train to derail.

"Iris." A voice said frantically. Iris ignored whoever it was and tried to find an empty compartment. When they got to Hogwarts Iris skipped supper and began to wander aimlessly around the castle. When she finally made her way into the common room the place went quiet. Harry and Remmy, who was sorted into Gryffindor, refused to talk to her. As she made her way up to her dorm she found that she was going to share it with her former best friends.

When they had their first defense against the dark arts class with the toad, things got worse.

"... Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident."

"Let's put you in a maze and see how well you do? Oh, now come to think of it, you're the ones who hired a death eater that I uncovered for you, so basically if you were able to be confounded by an imposter then how would you be able to survive the bloody maze?" Iris snapped. Everyone stared at her in shock. Umbridge opened her mouth to retort and give Iris detention, but all that came out of her mouth was:

"Meow, meow, meow!"

Iris smirked then stood up.

"Have a meowful day, cat lady." She snickered exiting the room.

"Iris." Theo said, desperately trying to talk to his niece that night at supper, but she didn't even acknowledge him. Eventually Umbridge's meowing problem was cured and she  found herself in detention with Harry.

"You haven't given us any ink." Harry pointed out.

"Oh, you won't be needing  any ink." Umbridge replied calmly as she made herself a cup of tea. Iris glared at her and began to use the blood quill to write:

'I will not disrespect my professors.'

Iris winced in pain as she wrote the first few lines, but as she continued to write she noticed her hand was magically healing. Iris stared down at her hand surprised as she wrote each letter and watched them fade away. Umbridge was furious that it wasn't working and kept her there longer than Harry. After a while she seemed to have given up and sent Iris off with a warning. Harry didn't even bother waiting for her.

When tryouts for the Gryffindor Quidditch team came around Angelina made up some lame excuse on how Alicia out  played Iris causing Iris to lose her spot on the team.

"I hope Gryffindor loses thanks to their poor excuse for a captain." Iris spat.

The lights in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers went off as she stormed out of the common room.

Things only got worse. When the golden trio created Dumbledore's Army, Iris wasn't asked to join.

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