Chapter Ten

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Iris raised her wand and deflected several death eaters spells.

"What's the matter, little girl? Where are your friends?" One sneered. Iris backed away only to find another one behind her. She duck out of the way of a death eater's curse causing it to hit his "friend". She raised her wand again and began to fire as many spells as she could. She had to find Harry. She had to protect her big brother, but where was he?

Iris saw him and his friends. She casted a simple pretgo charm knowing full well that Harry didn't have his wand because it was stolen. As the spells bounced off she stepped in front of them and fired another spell.

"You ok?" She asked as she deflected another one.

"Yeah." Harry replied. A few minutes later the dark mark was casted in the sky. They all ran in that direction and saw a house elf holding a wand.

"That's my wand." Harry exclaimed.

When Barty Crouch started to accuse Harry, Iris stepped forward.

"Listen here Mr. Crouch, that noseless git is the reason Harry has no parents. So, if I were you I would think twice before I'd go and accuse an innocent kid." Iris said furiously . Barty Crouch looked at her angrily, but before he could open his mouth to retort, Mr. Weasley showed up.

"They're only children." Mr. Weasley argued.

"But, it was his wand." Crouch pointed out.

"Even if it was his wand, doesn't mean he'd go casting the dark mark. It could've easily been your wand." Iris shot back. Mr. Weasley shot Crouch one more glare before they trekked back to the portkey.

When they got back to the Burrow, Fred was the first to greet them. He brought her into a hug.

"Thank Godric you're ok." He said with a sigh of relief.

"Love you too big brother." Ron said sarcastically.

"Fred I'm ok. You could let go of me now." She said trying to breathe. Fred let go of her.

"We should actually be thanking Iris. She's the reason we're all standing here." Hermione stated.

"It was nothing." She said as they headed into the house.

"Iris took on a dozen death eaters." Ron added.

"You're over exaggerating Ron." Iris said, yawning.

"I think that's enough excitement for one day. The poor girl is exhausted." Fred said, pushing her towards the stairs.

"I could walk, you know." Iris said annoyed.

On September first the day school started again was a very special day for Iris. The door to Ginny's room banged open and the twins came in singing on top of their lungs dreadfully.


"Shut up you annoying gits." Ginny growled pulling her pillow over her head.

"Did you boys forget that I'm seventeen now and I could officially use magic outside school?" Iris asked a bit groggily, reaching for her wand.  With that the twins bolted out of the room only to find themselves being hexed halfway down the hall.

"FREDRICK GIDEON WEASLEY, GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY, DON'T YOU EVER STEAL A GIRL'S SLEEP." Iris yelled. They heard a crash from Ron's room. The door to Ron's room opened slowly. Ron stepped out into the hallway yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Thank you for the wake up call." He grumbled.

"We don't have to be by kings cross Station for another five hours." Iris moaned.

"But, it's your birthday. Don't you want to get an early start?" Fred inquired.

"Not at six o'clock in the morning." Iris mumbled.

"What? Couldn't hear you." George said. Iris whipped out her wand and used one of Ginny's famous bat bogey hexes on the two of them.

"Are you sure you're not a Slytherin?" George took off running.

"Get back here you coward." Iris yelled chasing him down the stairs.

"Fred help." George yelped.

"Sorry brother you're on your own here." Fred said watching in amusement.

"GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY, stop bothering the poor girl." Mrs. Weasley ordered. Iris grabbed the coffee and poured herself a cup.

"Charlie what are you doing here?" Fred asked. Charlie Weasley looked up from the box of pictures he was looking at.

"Just came by to visit." He replied.

"From Romania on just a random Thursday." Ron said, raising an eyebrow.

"Stop bothering your brother."

There was a loud explosion. Everyone turned around to see the twins covered in cake.

"That's what happens when you try to prank your girlfriend." Charlie said, shaking his head. Iris poured herself another cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Happy birthday." George said, handing her a gift.

"How do I know it's not going to explode in my face?"

"Are you saying my brother would prank you? He's your best friend." Fred said acting all hurt. Iris handed the gift to Fred.

"Then you as my boyfriend won't mind opening it for me. You know for safety reasons." She said with puppy eyes. Fred sighed and took the gift from her hands.

"Fred don't." George began, but it was too late. The present exploded in Fred's face unleashing confetti and glitter. Everyone burst out laughing.

Fred got her a book called pranking for dummies. Lupin sent her a box of chocolates. Iris shook her head and smiled. Mrs. Weasley gave her a scarf and Cedric sent her a book on jinxes and spells.

Iris poured herself another cup of coffee.

"What number cup is that?" Charlie asked. 

"I lost count." Iris replied plopping down on a chair next to him.

"That's a lot of coffee."

"Well I was woken up at the crack of dawn." Iris argued. Charlie shut his mouth. His eyes widened when he noticed the salt and pepper shakers suddenly rise off the table. They soon landed in front of Iris. Iris noticed him looking at her oddly.

"What?" She asked.


"So, what are you looking at?" She inquired.

"Just some old pictures from when I was at Hogwarts." Charlie answered.

"Fred said you're on the quidditch team."

"Yep. I play chaser." Iris stated, taking a sip from her coffee.

"And keeper." George pipped up.

"That was one time."

"Well you still did. I wouldn't be surprised if they made you back up."

"This was my last year in Hogwarts." Charlie said, showing her a picture of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.  Iris took a closer look at the picture. There was a young girl with ginger hair and sapphire blue eyes standing next to Charlie.

"Charlie, who's this?" She inquired pointing to the girl. She had a feeling she already knew who it was.

"That's Gwen Nott and she played keeper. I kind of feel bad for her. She's the first Nott to be placed in Gryffindor and her father disowned her because of that. She kind of fell off the map after Hogwarts." Charlie replied.

"I'm going to get my stuff." She said rushing up to the room she shared with Ginny. She paced the room not knowing what to do.

"How could she not tell me? How could my mum not tell me that she was a witch?"

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