Chapter Forty Six

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Iris quickly followed Theo to the hospital wing. She had been so hung up on the fight she had just had with Harry she had completely forgot it was Ron's birthday. From what she knew in the books and what Theo had told her, Harry had found Ron holding a box of chocolate with a dreamy look on his face. He kept going on and on about how he was in love with Romilda Vane. Harry had taken Ron to Professor Slughorn for some sort of antidote for love potions and Ron ended up poisoned from what they thought was a bad batch of wine.

As Iris entered the hospital wing she could hear Ron mumbling in his sleep:


Iris tried not to laugh as a very angry Lavender pushed passed her on the verge of tears.

"Well, I honestly didn't think we'd meet again under these circumstances." A familiar voice behind her said. 

"Freddie." She whispered, turning around slowly. He hugged her and then gave his girlfriend a look.

"What?" Iris asked.

"Is it me because Harry keeps glaring at you?"

Iris let out a sigh.

"Long story."

"Do I need to-"

"You do not need to go all Fred on him."

"What did he do?"

"Fred, it's nothing." Iris said, trying to brush it off.

"Nothing? He looks ready to kill you." Fred said angrily. Before Iris could say anything Mr and Mrs Weasley came running into the room. Mrs. Weasley kept going on and on about how this was the second Weasley Harry had saved, but all Harry could do was glare at his sister.

"Am I missing something here?" George asked.

"Harry's mad because Simon was the one who pointed out that I tricked the marauders' map." Iris said uneasily.

"You did what?" Fred didn't sound so pleased.

"Fred, I had to. Harry is rather annoying and can be overprotective and overbearing."

"What I want to know is why Simon knows about the map."

"George, is that all you're worried about? She just mentioned she tricked the map. We don't need a repeat of last year."

"I'm fine. Haven't had an incident, but if you keep this up I might." Iris warned.

"I'm going to get Madam Pomfrey. Someone just had unwanted thoughts." George said quickly. Iris grabbed his arm.

"If you do that I will kill you." Iris threatened.

"Harry, help your sister is a lunatic." George yelped.

"What now?" Harry demanded, annoyed.

"Iris what did you do?" Fred asked.

"I just told you what's going on. And I don't need to repeat myself. Now can everyone just leave me alone for once?" Iris stormed out of the hospital wing. Fred tried to follow her out, but by the time he made it outside she was long gone.

June 30, 1997

About two months had passed since the two had their argument and Harry still refused to talk to her. Iris was sitting in the heads' common room with an unsettling feeling. Today was going to be one of those days that no one was going to forget.

"You ok?" Simon asked when she couldn't sit still anymore. As she headed for the door she said.

"I just need some fresh air."

Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now