Chapter 55

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"What do you mean it's gone?" Iris demanded snatching the book out of his hand.

"S-someone transfigured the cover to look like the book, but in reality it's Hogwarts a History." Remmy stammered.

"This is bad, this is really bad." He said, running his fingers through his hair nervously.

"And you didn't notice this until now!?!"

"What do you want me to do? It looked like the book. Why in the world would I think of opening to see if it was different?" Remmy demanded.

"When was the last time you actually had it?"

"I didn't take it with me to Hogwarts so it could've been when we were in The Burrow or Grimmauld Place. I'm not quite sure." Remmy said uneasily.

"That's really helpful." Iris said sarcastically.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, look for it." Iris shot back.

"And how do you expect me to do that? I'm a wanted man. It's not like I could waltz on out of here because I'm dashingly good looking and I can't exactly go in wolf form. It's not entirely normal for a wolf to be walking down the streets of London." Remmy said, gesturing wildly.

"Then do you have any bright ideas, Einstein?" Iris spat.

"That's it." Remmy said snapping his fingers.

"Mind sharing with the rest of the class?" Iris demanded.

"Poly juice potion. We could easily lift hairs off the twins and sneak into the Burrow. That won't arouse suspicion." Remmy replied.

"That actually could work." Iris said feeling a bit stupid.

"The only problem is, it takes about a month to brew."

"Dang it. I guess it's back to the drawing board." Iris said with a sigh.

"So, what do we do?"

As the months moved along they still hadn't found the book. Sneaking into the Burrow proved to be a terrible idea when Iris' poly juice potion wore off too quickly causing several Death Eaters to chase after her and Remmy.

"I need a little help over here." Iris yelled storming into Potter Manor with a semi conscious Remmy in her arms. Theo, Draco, Fred and George came running into the room just as she placed Remmy down on the couch.

"Where the hell did you go?" Theo demanded.

"Long story." Iris sighed.

"Are you insane? Why the bloody hell did you take your brother with you doing who knows what? Did you forget he's thirteen and is wanted by those lunatics just as much as you are." Draco exploded.

"Are those my clothes?" Fred interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh... maybe."

"Doesn't he self heal? Why isn't he healing?" Theo asked worried.

"Oh boy. Ding Round Two and is that my clothes? It's triple the size on him. Did you try to use poly juice potion?" George asked, turning to Iris.

"Like I said, long story."

"You're insane, absolutely insane. Do you know he might die because of something stupid you just did." Draco continued to rant.

"You're forgetting I'm a Phoenix."

"Don't just stand there, heal him you idiot." Draco snapped. Not needing to be told twice Iris was quick to produce tears healing her brother instantly. When Remmy was back to full strength he said in all seriousness.

"That was awesome! Could we do it again?"

"No! Absolutely not." Draco said firmly.

"Aww... Draky Poo cares. He actually cares about little old me. That's so sweet." Remmy said dreamily making Draco and Pansy cringe from that horrible old nickname.

"Iris is he on something?" Draco asked.

"He's just a little out of." Iris stated.

"A little? He sounds like he's on morphine." Simon said coming into the room. The pure blooded wizards all gave him a confused look.

"What's morphine?" Fred asked.

"Muggle drug. It's supposed to help dull the pain." Simon replied.

"Alright everyone, who wants to play monopoly?" Remmy cheered, jumping off the couch only to stumble into Draco knocking the Slytherin off his feet.

"Remmy." Draco said through gritted teeth.

"We got to stop meeting like this." Remmy said cheekily.

"Get off of me." Draco growled.

"You got it, Felton." Remmy said trying to get to his feet without stumbling.

"For the millionth time it's Draco."

"Will you two stop bickering?" Iris asked with a sigh.

"Well, he started it." Draco and Remmy parroted pointing fingers at each other accusingly. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"You know Forge, they kind of remind me of us when we were that age." Fred joked. 

"Ah.... the memories. Fond, fond memories." George said. The others gave them a strange look.

"That's not how I remember it." Iris said.

"I am wounded.  Gred, your girlfriend is throwing us under the Knight Bus." George gasped.

"Oh, grow up."

"Never." Fred and George said in unison.

"Remmy, please leave Draco alone." Iris said, trying to stay calm.

"Like that's going to happen." Remmy snorted. Iris glared at him.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He said slyly breaking off  into a run. There was a loud crash followed by seven buckets of neon pink paint falling onto them. Draco spit out the paint and wiped it away from his eyes.

"I am going to kill you." He yelled, taking off after Remmy.

"This is not going to end well." Fred said with a chuckle.

"This is just until May." Iris thought.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, get the bloody hell off of me." Remmy yelled.

"Sirius Remus Potter, watch your language."

"Stay out of this Iris." Remmy spat. He then turned his attention back onto Draco.

"Get off me." Remmy repeated.

"You brought this on yourself, Pottah."

"Malfoy, I said get off." Remmy growled. Draco let go of Remmy leaving him covered in paint.

"Ewww, now I need to take a shower." Remmy said, annoyed.

"Next time think twice before pranking me." Draco said. He then turned to walk away.

"I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you." Remmy threatened.

"Is that a threat?" Draco sneered.

"This is going to be a long few months." Theo said, shaking his head.

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