Chapter Forty Four

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Operation Hinny was a go. Iris was planning on waiting maybe a week or two to start pushing her older brother and future sister in law together. Iris came into the great hall one morning in a very cheerful mood only to be met with a grumbling and in a very bad mood Ginny.

"What's her problem?" Iris asked Remmy when she sat down at the table. Remmy looked up from his plate of bacon.

"Phe phaw vean phnogging phusan bones last night." He answered with a mouth full of food.

"English please." Iris said with a look of disgust. Remmy swallowed.

"She saw Dean snogging Susan Bones last night. Rumor has it that those two are dating." He replied, picking up his pumpkin juice.

"Didn't Ginny and Dean just break up like yesterday?"

"Apparently he's been dating Susan for a while."

"How do you know all this?"

"I have my sources." Remmy replied with a shrug.

Before Iris could say anything owls swooped in and littered the tables with papers causing everyone's faces to go white.

Greetings Hogwarts,

Gossip Witch here and as always when there's juicy news that needs to be broken I never take a vacation. The holidays in Hogwarts was something else especially with a new romance causing one of our favorite Hogwarts' couples to break up and break our hearts. I'm talking about Dean Thomas and Ginny Weasley. Apparently Dean has been sneaking off with a mysterious Hufflepuff. Who knew Hufflepuffs could be so sneaky? But, don't worry I won't leave you hanging. Our mysterious Hufflepuff is none other than.... Susan Bones. Poor Ginny had to find the two snogging in what they thought was an abandoned classroom. Beware Dean you'll have a bunch of angry Weasley brothers ready to tear you apart. Until next time.

Gossip witch

Just as gossip witch predicted Dean had to keep looking over his shoulder. As expected Ron didn't take the news so well. When Dean tried to sneak into the common room that night Ron was waiting for him and when he tried to run, Ron used a jelly legged charm on him. Iris came into the common room to find Remmy and Seamus sitting on the couch holding a bin of popcorn in one hand and a bottle of butterbeer in the other. There was a loud crash and Dean went flying over an armchair.

"You go Ron." Remmy cheered as Dean tried to get to his feet only to be met with:

"Levicorpus." Dean was lifted in the air by his ankles.

"Think it's funny mate? Think it's ok to cheat on your girlfriend?" Ron demanded.

"Ron, let him down." Iris said. Ron just ignored her and hit Dean with another spell.

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY, put him down right now." Iris ordered.

"Stay out of this, Iris." Ron snapped.

"That's twenty five points from Gryffindor for attacking a fellow housemate and if you don't stop I will give you detention and it won't be a fun one."

"But, you know what he did." Ron argued.

"Do you think Ginny wants this? She doesn't need an overprotective brother right now treating her like she's a damsel in distress. Now put him down."

Ron let out an annoyed sigh and reversed the spell. Dean landed with a thud. He quickly got to his feet and found himself face to face with Ginny.

"This just got better." Remmy said stuffing a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"H-Hi Ginny." Dean stammered awkwardly. Ginny whipped out her wand and fired a bat bogey hex at him. She then turned around and stormed out of the room. Iris nudged Harry forward.

"What?" He asked.

"Go after her." She said. Harry stared at his sister surprised.

"Me? Why me?"

"She needs someone right now."

"Why me?" Harry repeated.

"You're a good listener, Harry and that's exactly what she needs right now."

Harry only gave his sister a nod and went after Ginny. Iris turned and saw Hermione giving her a thumbs up. Operation Hinny was about to see some action.

Over the next few days every time Hermione, Remmy or Iris were around Harry and Ginny they would suddenly make up some excuse and leave, forcing the two to talk to each other.

"Why do you keep ditching them?" Ron asked after a week of keeping up the charade.

"I have important things to take care of." Iris replied as she headed off to the library to meet Draco for a study session.

"Does Harry know?" Ron asked. Iris gave her brother's best friend a confused look.

"What on earth are you yammering about?"

"Does Harry know you tricked the map?"

Iris swallowed hard. How did Ron manage to figure that out was the number one question.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Iris said a little too quickly.

"How'd you do it?"

"Ron, are you insane? I did nothing of the sort."

"Then why does the map say you're heading for the kitchen when you're clearly here with me heading in the direction of the library?"

"Mind your own business, Ronald." Iris snapped.

"You've been cheating on Fred, haven't you?" Ron said accusingly.

"Are you hearing yourself right now? You sound ridiculous."

"It's Malfoy, isn't it?"

"What is with everyone thinking there's something going on between Malfoy and I? He's currently three years younger than me and he is my uncle's former best mate." Iris said in a low voice.

"Then why are you always with him? Are you working for you know who?"

"Can't I just tutor someone without getting the third degree?" Iris demanded annoyed.

"Malfoy? Needs tutoring? His daddy couldn't pay off the professors to give him good marks?" Ron snorted.

"You know what? You're not even worth the argument." Iris said, trying to stay calm.

"Does Harry know?"

"No, do you really think I want my over protective brother knowing where I am twenty four seven? That would be like you following Ginny around everywhere she goes."

Ron tried to sputter an answer, but he came up with nothing.

"Now if you dare tell about this, you're dead." Iris threatened causing Ron to flinch. She then left him standing there.

A few days later was their match against Hufflepuff. Remmy had to go and take a bludger to the head knocking him out of the game instantly. The game was brutal. A lot worse than it was in the books with each side losing members. The score was ninety to eighty, Gryffindor and neither side was backing down. The snitch was nowhere to be found and everyone was getting anxious especially when the game entered triple digits for both sides. Then out of nowhere the snitch whizzed past Iris and darted down the pitch. It took Harry and the Hufflepuff seeker less than a minute to know what was going on. Then without warning both seekers were off after the runaway snitch. Thanks to Harry's firebolt, the fastest broom he had the upper hand. Harry's hand wrapped around the snitch instantly giving Gryffindor the hundred and fifty points needed to win the game. The final score, two hundred and eighty to one hundred and thirty.

When Harry landed he was mobbed by his teammates. Everyone was congratulating the young captain on their win. Out of the corner of her eye Iris saw Ginny running over. A smile made its way onto Iris's face knowing full well what was coming next. Then without warning Ginny grabbed ahold of Harry's quidditch robes and brought him into a kiss. Iris was the first to start wolf whistling. Operation Hinny was a success. All iris could now here was:

"That's my sister." Ron yelled with a look of disgust on his face. With one ship setting off into the sunset Iris began to think of the next one. It was time to unleash operation Romione.

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