Chapter 59

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Iris literally had to hold her father back from attacking, but the moment Voldemort saw him his demeanor changed.

"James Potter."

"Voldemort." James said icily.

"How is he alive?"

"Let's say your aim is worse then Grindelwald." James sneered.

"James shut up." Remus hissed.

"Now we know where Remmy gets it from." Sirius sighed, shaking his head.

"Wormtail said he was dead." Voldemort said angrily.

"One thing we learned is never trust that rat." James said disgustedly.

"Amen." Sirius said holding up a glass of fire whiskey.

"Sirius where in the world did you get that from? We're  in the middle of a battle." Remus said.

"Yes and?"

"What do you mean and?"

"Oh will you shut up." Voldemort snapped. Neville began to limp forward holding the sorting hat.

"Neville, what are you doing?"  Frank Longbottom said disapprovingly.

"I'm sure we could find a place for you in our ranks." Voldemort said, causing the Death Eaters to start laughing.

"Draco." Lucius said with pleading eyes motioning for his son to change his side.

"Like I told you before, father. You chose your side, I chose mine." Draco said, folding his arms.

"I'd like to say something."  Neville interrupted.

"Yes young man."

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone."

"Stand down, Neville." Seamus berated him.

"No! People die everyday. Harry May be gone, but his heart beats for all of us. And you're wrong." And with that Neville let out a roar and pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat. A second later Harry leapt out of Hagrid's arms and fired a spell at Nagini.

"Thank Merlin." James said, letting out a sigh of relief. A smile crept up on Iris' face.

"It's show Time." She said her eyes glowing orange and her hair flowing behind her flames running down her back.

"I did not know she could do that." Someone muttered.

"Doesn't matter, she's mine." Bellatrix cackled manically.

"Oh no you don't!  You psychotic witch caused me to miss fourteen years of my son's life. You're mine." Alice yelled firing a stupify at Bellatrix. Bellatrix blocked it and sent a crucio Alice's way. Alice dodged it angrily.

"Things never change do they? It seems like that's the only spell you know." She then casted a full body binding spell followed by a reducto. Bellatrix exploded into a million pieces.

"One down about a million to go." Frank said dryly.

"This is it everyone we need to kill the snake." Harry yelled.

"Let's kill the beast." Iris Exclaimed. Ever looked at her confused.

"Movie reference." Iris stated as she used fire to blast a Death Eater.

"And apparently my girlfriend could shoot fire, cool." Fred said in awe.

"Of course that would excite you."

"I can't help it, Forge. She's amazing." Fred said dreamily.

"Oí, lover boy get your head out of the clouds we're in the middle of a battle." A voice from above called.

"Hello Charlie. When did you get here and are those dragons?"

"Thanks for pointing out thee obvious lover boy." Charlie teased as dozens of foreign wizards joined the battle.

"There once was a boy named Harry,
Who was destined to be a star-"

"Remmy, get back in the great hall." Iris ordered.

"Oh come on where's the fun in that?" Remmy complained.

"I'm trying to keep you alive you imbecile." Iris shot back.

"I'm not a baby."

"I never said you were. I just don't need a dead brother."

"Awww... love you too, sis."

"Where's Colin?" Iris demanded.

"He's currently taking a nap in Hogsmeade station." Remmy replied, firing stupify at an unsuspecting Death Eater.

"Sirius Remus Potter how dare you." The moment those words left her mouth she regretted it. Every Death Eater turned and looked at Remmy.

"Great going, sis." Remmy said dryly.

"Remmy, get out of here before they decide to take you as a hostage."

"Too late for that, sis. Now what other spells are there that are effective besides stupify?" Remmy asked backing away from the hoard of oncoming  Death Eaters.

"On second thought I have an idea." Remmy said ducking behind some debris. He conjured a lacrosse stick and scooped up a rock.

"I'm going to make you proud, coach." He yelled, firing the rock with full strength. It met its target with a loud crack. The Death Eater fell over backwards into some of his companions dead.

"I don't give a damn what that just did to the color of my eyes, Now who's next?" Remmy demanded his eyes flashing blue.

"Iris isn't his eyes supposed to be gold?" Fred dared to ask.

"What? It's either kill or be killed and I was defending myself." Remmy said defensively, firing another rock.

"I've had it with that kid, Accio."

Remmy turned to see who it was and came face to face with Greybeck.

"Round two old man?" Remmy asked, raising his hands.

"Absolutely not." Iris said, stepping between them.

"Oh come on, this would have been a great story to tell Derek."

"Would you stop mentioning my ex?"

"If it bothers you that much sis I'll continue." Remmy said smugly.

"If you do that the death eaters aren't going to be the only ones you have to deal with." Iris threatened.

"I'm going to go." Remmy said bolting for the great hall. Iris turned back to Greybeck.

"If I'm not mistaken you were going to hurt my brother." She said letting the flames take over.

"There you have it folks. It's Iris Evans the girl on fire." Remmy said coming out of nowhere.

"Remmy, I thought you were in the great hall." Iris growled.

"Oh uh still running." Remmy swallowed hard and took off again.

By then everyone had their eyes trained on Voldemort and Harry in the middle of the courtyard. Neville has killed Nagini and all that was left was for only one of them to die. Both had their wands raised one firing the death curse while the other the disarming spell. Green met red neither side backing down and then it happened. Voldemort's wand backfired on him.  It was finally over, Voldemort was gone.

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