Chapter Forty Eight

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"This is your fault, Theo." Harry yelled.

"How is this my fault? She pushed me out of the way, Harry. What was I supposed to do?" Theo demanded. Remmy just sat beside his sister's motionless body that currently occupied an empty bed in the corner of the hospital wing. His lower lip quivered as the tears slowly began rolling down his cheeks. Sirius sat down next to him and tried his best to comfort the young werewolf.

"S-she can't be gone. She just can't be." Remmy sniffed.

Fred stumbled through the doorway. His eyes landed on his girlfriend's lifeless body and he went numb.

"No." He ran over to her and he felt his knees give way.

"Freddie." George said, placing a hand on his twin's shoulder. Seeing his twin in this state broke him.

"This is your fault, Theo." Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Will you stop that, Harry? I couldn't stop her from taking that curse for me."

"She's my sister."

"Well she was my niece." Theo shot back. He slumped down in his seat.

"It doesn't make sense. Why would my dad send her back in time if something like this could happen?" Remmy whispered. He was having a very hard time controlling his shifts.

"The sun, the moon, the truth...." Remmy kept repeating.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense." He said over and over again.

"Actually it does." Remus said. Dozens of angry eyes glared at him. Remmy got to his feet and let out an angry wolf growl.

"What does that bloody even mean?" He demanded, his eyes flashing gold.

"You once told Sirius that Iris was on a supernatural deadpool."


"Weird things happen around her. Alice's miraculous recovery, Katie not having to spend a single minute in St Mungos, Theo not having a single scar after Harry nearly butchered him." Remus replied.

"Last year when we had detention with the Toad her hand kept healing and the toad was furious." Harry said rubbing the scar on his hand subconsciously.

"Now we wait." Remus said calmly.

"What do you mean wait? And why are you so calm?" Theo demanded.

"I guess I'm preparing for two funerals." Harry said dryly.

"It was supposed to be you. You are the one who was supposed to die, not her." Remmy yelled at Fred causing everyone to freeze, Molly to start crying, and Fred and George to go white.

"No! Not Fred!" George said with utter horror in his voice.

"Remmy, shut up." Harry snapped.

"Make me." Remmy growled, starting to lose it. He then lost control of his shift and all hell broke loose. Several of the injured started screaming in terror and ran towards the door causing many to get trampled. Draco, Blaise and Pansy stared at him and in horror. Harry pushed Ginny behind him with his wand trained at his younger brother.

"Stop treating me like I'm a damsel in distress." Ginny said angrily. Moony jr growled at her. Ginny let out a yelp and hid behind Harry.

"Professor Lupin, do something." Pansy stressed hiding behind Draco, Blaise and Goyle.

"Me? We're not the same kind of werewolf, what do you want me to do?" Remus pointed out.

"What was it? The sun, the moon, the stars?" Draco asked.

"I think it was the sun, the moon, the Uh.....I don't know." Ron said terrified.

"It's Buddhist. Three things that cannot be long hidden: The sun, the moon , the truth." A voice in the back of the room said startling everyone. They all turned to look at Goyle.

"What? Why does everyone assume I'm stupid? Just because I'm this idiot's lackey, doesn't mean I'm an actual idiot." Goyle said, folding his arms.

"Hey!" Draco said, offended.

"Boys, now is not the time." Pansy shouted.

"Can we get back to the task at hand, does anyone know how to calm down this stupid thing?" Ron asked. Moony jr began growling even louder ready to pounce on him.

"Not a good idea. Do not call that thing stupid. You don't want to entice the thing." Goyle hissed.

"For once I agree with Goyle." Harry said.

"Everyone repeat after me." Theo began.

"Why do we have to say it?" Draco demanded.

"Just do it."

"The sun, the moon, the stars." Blaise said.

"It's the sun, the moon, the truth you idiot." Goyle snapped.


"Is for horses." Hermione piped up.

"Oh for Godirc's sake, just do what Theo says." Harry said exasperated.

"Repeat after me."

"Repeat after me." Fred and George mimicked.

"I didn't mean literally." Harry said face palming. Theo let out a groan.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." He muttered.

"G-guys." Remmy stammered.

"Remmy, you're supposed to be a wolf, shift back." George said. Fred smacked his twin on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" George demanded.

"Guys, look at Iris." Remmy said grabbing a blanket off the nearest bed.

"What exactly are we looking at? She's dead." Ron said bluntly.

"B-But, she's on fire." Remmy stuttered in shock. Everyone froze and turned in Iris' direction.

"Will you lot shut up? You're giving me a bloody headache." Iris interrupted. There was a stunned silence. Fred quickly handed her a blanket causing her to blush.

"Uh, Thanks."

"She's a Phoenix." Goyle whispered harshly.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Iris asked confused , trying her best to cover herself.

"Well, I guess that answers your question. She is supernatural." Remus stated.

"I am."

"Yes, Iris. You're a Phoenix."

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