Chapter Fifty Six

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"Right foot on yellow." Iris said looking up from the spinner in her hand. In the middle of the living room floor was a giant Twister mat with four adults and one teen trying to win.

"Remmy you're cheating." Goyle said, annoyed trying to avoid Remmy.

"I am not." Remmy shot back putting his left foot onto a yellow circle that Goyle's hand was currently occupying. Iris spun the spinner again.

"Right hand on red."

Remmy carefully slithered his hand onto a red circle that Draco placed his foot on. He gave Draco a sly grin and With his werewolf strength he knocked Draco off balance. Draco tumbled into the others knocking them over like dominoes. 

"I win!" Remmy said triumphantly.

"He has werewolf strength obviously he'd win." Goyle complained.

"I can't believe you lot talked me into playing this embarrassing game." Draco said in disgust.

"Who's up for another round?" Remmy asked loudly.

"I'm out." Goyle said.

"Same." Draco stated.

"Oh come on. You lot are acting like a bunch of sore losers." Remmy grumbled.

"You're cheating." Goyle shot back.

"It's not like you haven't done that before, Slytherin." Remmy sneered, taking a step closer to Goyle.

"Takes one to know one." Goyle said icely, whipping out his wand.

"Break it up you two." Iris ordered, but they ignored her.

"Go ahead, Goyle. I dare you, but don't go crying to your mummy when I drop you hard." Remmy threatened, his eyes flashing gold.

"Sirius Remus Potter, that's enough." Iris said firmly stepping in between them.

"You're lucky my sister's here for you to hide behind." Remmy taunted.

"Remmy." Iris said angrily. Remmy turned away and stormed off to his room.

The months had gone by very slowly. October faded into November and they were soon greeted with the news that little Lyra Black was born. From what they heard was that the little girl looked exactly like her father with no hint of her mother's blond curls or blue eyes. It was no surprise when Sirius asked James to be the godfather .

Remmy's pranking antics got worse. Everyone was constantly looking over their shoulder hoping they wouldn't be on the receiving end of said pranks. They didn't know what to expect. One morning everyone would be  covered with paint and then there were the mornings they were covered in glitter like a teenage girl's scrapbook. Remmy had to make quick getaways because it was almost always Goyle or Draco chasing after him and he was running low on Peruvien Instant Darkness.

It got even worse when Remmy got a hold of the twins' stash of puking pastilles and slipped it into Pansy's cooking causing everyone to puke their guts out.

Several days after the puking incident came the nosebleed nougats stew followed by the fever fudge brownie incident two days later and then the fainting fancy lasaña less than twenty four hours later. Fred and George were wondering how in the world he managed to sneak into their stash without them realizing.

To make matters worse the Remmy challenged the twins to an all out prank war making any sense of peace in Potter Manor to go  flying out the window. Remmy broke into his father's childhood bedroom and got a hold of the marauders' pranking journals.

No matter how hard Draco tried to avoid Remmy's pranks, he always managed to draw the short straw.

After another prank went horribly wrong causing Draco's naturally platinum blond hair to turn an ugly shade of green Remmy doubled over dying from laughter.

"It's not funny." Iris said angrily, trying to change Draco's hair back to its original color.

"But, it is." Remmy wheezed.

"You can't keep treating him like he's piplup."

Remmy looked at his sister surprised.

"Since when did you watch Pokémon?" He asked.

"I didn't. Someone had the entire diamond and pearl series blasting throughout the house for close to three years."

Remmy smiles sheepishly.

"Well I'll make sure to send a draco meteor his way."

Iris glared at him.  Remmy gave his sister a wink, picked up his confetti launchers and wandered off to find Fred and George. As soon as he saw them Remmy went into attack mode. Remmy pulled the trigger and dosed the twins with an insane amount of confetti.

"Gotcha." He said triumphantly.

"SIRIUS REMUS POTTER, what on earth did you do?" Iris demanded spitting out confetti.

"What on earth are you talking about?" He asked innocently.

"Nice try Rem. You're still holding the evidence."

Remmy looked down at his hands and noticed that he was still holding the confetti launchers. He quickly shoved them into Fred and George's hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Remmy said calmly as he looked down at his nails.

As March drew to a close their prank war got so bad.

"Uh, Forge do you think this pranking got a wee bit out of hand?" George asked, taking a step back. Fred gave his twin a strange look.

"What makes you say that?"

"Uh, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen." George said uneasily. No sooner than the words left his mouth Remmy came running into the room with a terrified look on his face.

"YOU IDIOTS, MY WATER JUST BROKE." Veronica's yell could be heard  halfway across the house.

"We're dead." Fred said quietly.

"One of us should go get mum." George said, turning to leave.

"There's no Time. One of you go boil you some water, Remmy stay far away as possible, Pansy go get towels and Draco you're with me." Iris ordered.

"Me,  what do I know about delivering babies?" Draco asked, complaining, trailing after Iris.

"Well we both have something in common. Neither of us know what we're doing." Iris said bluntly.


"Salazar, please help us." Draco muttered before entering the room  

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