Chapter Forty

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Hey Hogwarts,

Gossip witch here and I'm baaack! With some juicy news! Did anyone notice Hermione Granger's reaction after Ronald Weasley and Lavender Brown were acting all lovey dovey in the Gryffindor common room? We all know how much she fancies the bloke, but is not Gryffindor enough to tell him. Speaking of someone who's not Gryffindor enough to face their problems head on, has anyone else heard someone crying like a girl from moaning Myrtle's bathroom? Don't worry I won't leave you hanging, the mysterious crybaby is.... drum roll please, none other than Draco Malfoy. Guess there really is trouble in paradise. Until next time.

Gossip witch

If anyone thought that they were safe from gossip witch's latest rag they were dead wrong. Everyone watched as the color drained Hermione's face as got up and ran out of the great hall. Ron's reaction on the other hand was different. His face turned different shades of purple as he tried to avoid eye contact with everyone. As he tried to leave the great hall he had Lavender on his trial. 

"Won Won, we could get through this." Lavender called after him. Draco's face went the color of milk as he tried denying what was said about him. Iris only rolled her eyes. Little did she know things were about to get worse. Iris looked across the table at the wizard who started it all only to see her little brother wearing wireless, green Beats headphones that looked very familiar bopping his head back and forth singing on top of his lungs some random Big Time Rush song causing everyone to turn and look at this strange child.

"...rolling past graffiti walls, billboards lighting up the block, everyone of us on a mission..."

Iris reached over and yanked them off his ears.

"Ow." Remmy said, annoyed grabbing them back and putting them halfway on.

"You stole my iPod." Iris shot back. Everyone looked at the siblings curiously. What was this iPod they were talking about?

"Well you left it in my room." Remmy argued.

"Doesn't mean you could go and take it."

"You have a very odd playlist, sis."

"Give me back my iPod, now!" She screeched.

"... so, tell me who I'm supposed to be. What I got to do to get you close to me..." Remmy sang as he sprinted towards the door with Iris hot on his trail.

"Honestly the boy is twelve and that's what he's singing." A random Ravenclaw said, raising an eyebrow as the two siblings ran past him.

"Give it back you annoying git."

"... say anything you want I turn the music up cause baby we are going no, oh, no where ..."


Remmy smirked and ran past a startled Harry who didn't even want to know what was going on.

"You'll have to catch me first." He hollarded. Iris smiled evilly as she pulled out the dog whistle and blew it. Remmy let out a yelp and fell to the floor bringing his hands to his ears.

"Iris!" He screamed. She marched over to him and grabbed her iPod.

"Thank you very much." And with that Iris spun on her heels and stormed off only to hear the number one question that everyone wanted to know:

"What's an iPod?"

It had been a few days since Gossip witch released her number one hit and Ron and Hermione were still avoiding each other. Draco hadto find another bathroom to cry in since everyone knew about his favorite crying place. Everyone was constantly looking over their shoulder, completely paranoid and on high alert. They didn't want to be the next juicy story that Gossip witch would spin out of control.

The trees began to shed their leaves leaving an array of colors to dance off into the midnight skies signaling that autumn was almost over. As September faded to October things were about to change. One night Harry came across Iris and Draco in the middle of a deep discussion, but of course Harry had to blow it way out of proportion. Harry pulled out his wand and was just about to hex Draco when Iris intervened.

"What the bloody hell is going on? You and Malfoy? Really? What about Fred?" Harry demanded.

"There's nothing going on between Malfoy and I." Iris said annoyed.

"Then what are you doing here with that snake?"

"McGonagall asked me to tutor him, Harry." Iris said calmly.

"Like he needs help. He's supposed to be second in our class and he needs your help? I'm not buying it." Harry sneered.

"I'm going to go." Draco said hurrying off. Iris turned back to Harry angrily.

"What the hell?"

"You're taking his side? He's a death eater. For all I know you're working for you know who yourself." Harry said accusingly.

"Don't you dare compare me to Pettigrew because I'm nothing like him." Iris shot back. 

"Then why are you siding with one of them?"

"Harry, I'm not working for that noseless sociopath. Can't I help someone who needs help with their school work?" 

"Again with the lies." Harry snapped.

Suddenly the corridor filled with music and Remmy came out of nowhere on some sort of board with wheels.

"So no one told you life was gonna be this way."

Clap, clap, clap!

"your jobs a joke, you're broke..."

"Remmy." Iris screamed.

"I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour." Remmy hollered on top of his lungs as he flipped his skateboard and jumped onto an empty bench. He coasted along it and almost crashed into his sister.

"For crying out loud this is not an episode of Friends." Iris yelled. Remmy just raised his hand and continued down the corridor almost bumping into Snape.

"Mr. Evans, what is the meaning of this?"

"Oh, this is, this is nothing."

"Ten points from Gryffindor for this ruckus." Snape said in a condescending tone.

"In my defense there's only rules about running through the corridors. There's nothing that states you can't ride your way through." Remmy said cheekily.

"Detention, Mr. Evans."

"Now that you're no longer the potions Professor I can't clean out caldrons. So, what does my favorite professor want me to do?" Remmy asked sassily.

"You'll find out." Snape said, folding his arms.

"Oh yeah, snivellus." Remmy said he then muttered something under his breath and the next moment Snape opened his mouth he belted out:

"We don't need no education..."

Remmy just stood there laughing uncontrollably. Iris and Harry both stared at their little brother. Before Harry was able to reprimand  his younger brother his eyes fell onto the decal of the skateboard. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Remmy what is the meaning of this?" Harry demanded pointing to the Slytherin decal on the bottom of the skateboard. Remmy gave his brother an evil grin.

"Oh, this ol' thing? I only got it to drive dad mad. Dad hates slytherin."

"But, you're in gryffindor." Harry pointed out.

"House unity." Remmy answered with a shrug

"Now I'm off to detention with our favorite professor." He announced sarcastically.

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