22. New Beginnings

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After her mother's colorful suggestion, Khadijah went to bed with a broken resolve, she called Layla's phone but it was off which didn't surprise her, she prayed her best friend would be fine.

She didn't do much but she felt tired nevertheless which was because of her earlier breakdown, she promised not to let it faze her even though her appetite was ruined for the better part of the week.

**** **** ****

“How are you man?" Jawad grunted facing away from Fahad who was making breakfast, more like toasting bread they'll most likely not eat.

“Care for breakfast?” again, he grunted. Fahad got the memo that he wasn't going to talk, he finished toasting the whole loaf and went ahead to scramble eggs, all the while Jawad looked half dead with his eyes on the wall. They decided to pass the night in Shaheed's apartment since Fahad didn't want to drive and Jawad has lost touch with reality.

Shaheed was still in bed despite it being a work day and he was supposed to get ready for work, he wasn't feeling it.

The mood of all three men made the apartment gloomy, each person with something on his mind though Fahad and Shaheed were more worried about Jawad than anything else, said person was overwhelmed with life.

Fahad had to go back to Abuja because of work and Jawad hasn't said a thing about his next step though they aren't bothered, it wouldn't be good for him to leave alone and go back to work, he manages his father's company in Australia.

Startled by the sudden knock on the door, Fahad who almost dropped the pan he was holding turned to Jawad who was still as he left him, with a sigh he dropped the pan and went to open the door, the bedroom door closed at the same time and Shaheed walked out, they nodded in acknowledgement, Fahad went towards the door and Shaheed to the kitchen indicating he didn't hear.

“Good morning sir” A maid greeted at the door, she was holding a basket he guessed held their breakfast, he answered her greeting "Madam said to bring you breakfast" he thanked her but told her to not bother with it, they've already taken care of that, she turned without argument and left.

"Who was at the door?" Shaheed who now held a cup of what must be black coffee asked plopping down on the beige colored sofa.

"A maid," he pointed to the direction of the kitchen and understanding he meant how Jawad was the latter shrugged, he didn't notice his presence.

“What are we going to do?” Fahad ran a hand over his face and sat beside Shaheed, he had no idea because whatever they do at that point will just be like trying change black to white, it wasn't possible.

“Leave him be” he said after sometime.

Shaheed served them the then cold egg and toast, he finally got Jawad to move from his trance like state by sending him a death glare after he repeatedly kept asking him to dress and eat.

“Who taught you this?” Shaheed asked conversationally which earned a smug smile from Fahad.

“What makes you think someone taught me? I learned by myself, you're welcome” Shaheed didn't get to retort smartly like he wanted, both men turned to Jawad who was now dressed in a crisp white shirt and coffee colored pressed pants, the suit jactet that was the same color with the trouser was on one shoulder.

“Where to?” Fahad questioned looking at Jawad who didn't look at all like the person at the kitchen and that scared Fahad and Shaheed, that's not good.

“Home,” he deadpanned.

“Sorry, what?” this time it was Shaheed, he looked puzzled because Australia meant home and that was the last place he needed to be.

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