8. Food for information

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Hey there angels, Juma'at Mubarak

I want to thank you all for all the votes and reads, I can't believe we're almost at 1k reads like thank you all soooo much 😘😘😘😘I'm glad you're enjoying my book, tell your friends to tell their friends to come and read, I love you all so much 😆😆
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Okay let me not annoy y'all, happy reading.

Khadijah went home straight after her lunch with Layla, she wanted to drop her off but she convinced her against it, she didn't want her to have to deal with her mother, she was home by then, Layla reluctantly gave in to avoid any drama, she was over being hurt by the woman's words, clearly she wasn't Her problem, she had other unspoken problems.

She entered the four bedroom apartment with the taslim and Hajiya Ladidi was sitting on the three sitter with the remote in her hand, she was watching a Hausa drama.

"Sannu da gida" (I have no idea how to translate this so let's just go with good afternoon) she squatted after her mother replied her taslim with her eyes trained on the television.

"Ummhmm" Was her reply. It was safe to say their not so great relationship has gotten worse since her divorce, even after three years it didn't get better and she stopped trying.

She wanted to fix their relationship the first few months when she needed her mother the most but she'd pushed her away so she turned to her sisters for support, Sadiya was there for her, she forced her to see a therapist because she developed social anxiety and fear of crowds, she stopped going soon after because she didn't feel she was progressing.

Layla helped her a lot more than the therapist would've, she felt it was better to talk to someone who knew her before everything.

She went to her room leaving her mother to her television, she quickly changed out of the long sleeve ankara sewn into a straight gown, an apprentice at her shop made it and she loved how simple and comfortable it was, she wore track trousers and a baggy T-shirt and sat on the bean bag Layla coerced her into buying, but she had to admit it was great and helped her focus whenever she was drawing.

She picked a separate sketchbook and the other she went out with, she had three sharpened pencils beside her and eraser. She outlined the main bodice of the dress faintly then started the minor details.

As much she tried to push it to the back of her mind, a nagging voice in her head kept reminding her that the deal was big, and if she messed it up, she might end her whole career, so she mustered up as much calmness as she could and kept shading.

Her team had already started the simple ones, she wanted to be done with them so she could focus on the big picture. With the details Nasmir had given and her own picture of how best the dress would fit, she set to work putting her all.

"Layla, your phone is ringing please get it before I throw it somewhere" Waleedah yelled from her room opposite Layla's, she had no idea how she did not hear the phone ringing.

"Ugh I'm coming, I'm coming" she ran up the stairs, she was out of breath before she could reach the last stair, she needed to start working out, she laughed at the thought, the gym was one place you'd never find her in, but bakeries, then yes that's her thing.

"Hello, Layla Tafida, how can I help you this fine evening?" she faked a British accent after answering the call, she'd seen the name on the screen.

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