Bonus Chapter

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Hey there, it's me again.
So, as the certified late comer that I am, I'm here very late for my birthday gift to you guys.
I was supposed to update yesterday but, sigh, I'm late as usual.
Anyways please say a prayer for me, I'm getting old.
Did you miss Khadijah and Fahad as much as I did?
Let's do a shout-out in their honor on IG, you can tag me, @ameeeyrahh_
Let me hear what you like most about these two.


Kensington, London.

Her hands slowly caressing her protruding bump, Khadijah stood by the window of her new favorite part of the house, the window in the drawing room. It was a way for her to be among the greens without actually being outside since it offered a great view of the garden and straight ahead the expanse of land around the house, which had to be an estate of some sort. The size definitely was more than just a house.

She didn't turn when she heard the door closing, it can only be one person. The others have gone out after much persuasion from herself and she was left with Fahad, who wouldn't step out when if he was dragged outside.

He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her, his large hands covering her much smaller ones.

"Hey," he whispered softly, caressing their now intertwined hands.

"Hi," Khadijah replied, her voice softer than his though she didn't whisper.

"I knew I would find you this way, come and sit." He didn't move even as he spoke and she fought the urge to roll her eyes.

He has been acting like a papa bear since they found out she was pregnant but it got worse after she had a miscarriage scare, which was the reason they decided to go to London until the baby was born. She thought she had seen his overprotective side with his sisters but now with her, it was almost unbearable. Almost.

"I just got up," probably ten minutes before but she didn't feel the need to add that bit of information. Knowing his wife, Fahad shook his head then let go of her before stepping back, just enough to comfortably turn her around.

Her smiling face met his, he found himself smiling back, the lecture he wanted to give getting lost somewhere between her smile and the glint in her eyes.

"You know how to play your cards well don't you?" Khadijah laughed throwing her head back, he caught on but she has already won.

"You taught me how to play, so hate the game not the player."

"I can't hate the player, I wasn't built like that," another laugh left her mouth as she let him lead her to the chair she has branded hers, all she needed was to write her name across the soft cushions.

"You should eat something," he muttered sitting beside her, she rolled her eyes this time then fixed her soft glare on him.

"I just ate, you're not going to make me fat Fahad,"

"You need to eat, you're eating for two." Another eye roll.

"Don't annoy me," he sighed and nodded, raising his hands up in surrender.

Khadijah used to think hormones and all those were just fiction, she believed they exist definitely but she didn't see herself being like that. She has never been and she was confident it wouldn't happen then, that was until she found herself crying for no reason when the TV took too long to come on and she wanted to watch a show she saw Sadiya watching, she didn't even like the series. The TV had not taken long to come on but that wasn't something Fahad wanted to tell her when she was like that.

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