Chapter 84: To Love You

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It's me again.

One more to Go 🌚🥺
The last chapter had very little comments but I promised myself an update today and here it is.
Please please please comment 🥺
You're all breaking my heart😭


The only time Khadijah had a taste of the cake Layla did so much to have delivered on time was when she felt a bit woozy and needed sugar in her system, and that too was only because Fahad wouldn’t let her have coffee in that state although she wanted it more than anything.

“You can’t have black coffee after just waking up, before dinner even.” He said handing her the saucer with a slice of the chocolate cake covered in cream frosting.

“And dessert before dinner is apparently healthy, which medical school did you graduate from again?” he rolled his eyes, she didn’t think he would reply but after she took a single bite and fought to hold back a small moan he replied.

“Your sugar level is down and if you don’t have something to boost that, you’re going to find yourself on the floor. I’m not a fan of my wife falling so do me a favour and take care of yourself.” Not knowing what to say to that while also trying to ignore the flutter she felt, Khadijah rolled her eyes and took another bite.

When Fahad saw that she would actually keep eating, he got up and left the kitchen to make a phone call he had been postponing since their wedding.

Like he expected Shaheed picked up on the fifth ring and more or less growled into the phone, deciding he had to be the bigger person for the duration of the much dreaded phone call he ignored it.

“What do you want Fahad? I don’t know about you but I am quite busy.”

“Yes, because Jigawa is such a busy state.” He muttered sarcastically and before Shaheed could think of a reply he added in a serious tone. “Don’t kid me, I need to speak with you.” Another annoyed sound before a reply.

“I believe we’re already talking and make it quick, I am actually busy.” He wouldn’t say his voice was hostile but it wasn’t welcoming either, borderline he sounded like his usual self but just more cold if that made any sense.

“Okay then, I’ll try to make it as brief as possible.” He made a sound for him to go ahead and he did. “We can’t keep doing this man, you’re my brother, has been since I knew what the word meant and we won’t lose it over something like this. Something went wrong between us and I may have wronged you unintentionally but that isn’t enough to cause a rift.”

“I’m not fighting with you, I’m not even upset.” Shaheed grumbled interrupting him.

Fahad nodded running his hands through his hair, he looked towards the kitchen where he couldn’t hear any movement from but it wasn’t surprising. He has never met someone as quiet as she was, it was like she craved to be invisible and though he wouldn’t say it was a bad thing, he just didn’t think it was actually her.

“Are you switching up on me?” Shaheed’s voice pulled him from his train of thoughts and he had to clear his throat hoping it would clear his mind.

“No sorry, I just got um distracted for a minute there.” He breathed out, all in the bid to focus on his conversation. “Since you say we’re cool, I’m taking your word for it but you really have to work on your people skills man.”

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