24: Dates.....

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As much Khadijah would've liked to say he has changed, she couldn't, if anything he was dumber than before, though one good thing was he tried to not look at her like an abomination, he made it subtle but there was still caution in his eyes which annoyed her, she hoped it would scare him but he was persistent on having the damned ‘conversation’ she wasn't interested in.

The only thing he kept saying was ‘Wow, it's great that you're now a big woman’ then he would laugh, she has never heard a more disturbing sound.

After a seemingly never ending hour, hajiya Ladidi and hajiya Zainab finally returned, it took all her will power to not scream in joy, they saved her from the torture of having to keep listening to him rant pointlessly.

This time, she smiled happily when they announced their departure, she couldn't hide her happiness, if they noticed they didn't talk.

After they escorted them to the gate, Hajiya Ladidi made sure she gave them space to say their goodbyes appropriately, Khadijah didn't mind much since he was leaving.

“So, we'll talk right?” she hated how he's always asking things but nodded either ways.
“I'll be back in a week more or less, I'm hoping we can meet outside, go on a date or something like that,” he looked up at her, she didn't bother replying, maybe he didn't get the message, “Good bye, take care of yourself.” now she smiled and said finally in her mind.

She stood beside her mother and watched as he got in the car and reversed, they waved one last time before going back inside.

“Masha Allah everything went well.” hajiya Ladidi expressed her joy, not wanting to dampen her mother's mood, Khadijah agreed.

“Yes, Alhamdulillah.” sha started clearing the table while hajiya Ladidi picked the remote, her favorite Hausa show was starting, Khadijah did the dishes then went back to her room to make calls.

She picked her purse and car keys still on the phone, she told her mother she was going to visit Sadiya and was about leaving when she stopped her.

“Take samosa to her, I know she'll like it and the kids too.” she nodded and made way to the kitchen, after packaging the snacks, she picked the bowl and left, picking one for herself and eating on the way, she kept the phone in her bag and closed it, saying a final goodbye to her mother, she left, mentally thanking her father for taking her car outside, even though she didn't block him, it was a little routine he does for her since he knows how much she hates reversing.

“Layla for the millionth time please pick up, I'm worried about you.” she finished with a sigh, she has called multiple times but the phone was off, sending her to voicemail, she gave up and turned the ignition.

“Aunty dee” Hanan squealed jumping, she is always full of energy.

Khadijah smiled and hugged her over active niece, the living room was chaotic, things were strewn around, Sadiya who now has a huge bump was directing the workers on what to do.

Khadijah walked to her sister and hugged her, they exchanged pleasantries before she dragged her up the stairs to the small living room, she wanted to change the setting of the main sitting room before she gave birth which was more or less two months away.

“The house looks like I left Hanan and Junior in charge,” she laughed sitting beside Basma who was fast asleep, she ruffled her hair making the small girl move more in her touch. “How was it?”

“Fine I guess, he's so annoying, I don't even want to talk about that, how is your health?” Sadiya answered with a fine and a shrug, it's always like that for her till she gives birth.

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