Chapter 72: Two Steps Back

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*بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اَللّهِ الرَّحْمن الرَّحِيم*
*May you continue to enjoy Allah's Mercy and Protection till Yaumul Qiyama, may He bless u with a restful mind,useful soul, peaceful home,commendable effort,acceptable worship & successful end. May He beautify ur tongues with truth,ur hearts with sincerity and may He count u among the dwellers of Jannatul Firdaus (Ameen)*
*Juma'at Kareem*

Ameen ya Hayyu ya Qayyum


Fahad Ibrahim laughed loudly, he'd been waiting for that and it sounded like music to his ears.

"You're sick." HSM stated from his position on the burgundy cushioned chair.

He gave him a look but didn't reply. He was still finding it strange to see the man's face, he has seen Khadijah's father and there wasn't any facial difference between the two, he guessed it was in the head.

"You are my mentor." He finally spoke after a few beats.

He rounded the corner and took the other seat then proceeded to cross his legs, one above the other.

"Is that the only punishment he's getting? I'm sure that lady you like wouldn't be too happy with it. I have seen the damage he did to her daughter."

HSM breathed in and out slowly his brows creased in thought, what Fahad and even Batool didn't know was the guilt that was crippling him.

Every single time he received the medical history of Khadijah, it was a new story every time.

It had taken a whole lot for him to not find the miscreant and send him to his grave as soon as possible.

He'd been the one to push the idiot on her but then he'd thought he was a sensible man, turned out he was a sadistic psychopath that had almost killed her.

She didn't know the multiple times she'd been passed out in the house, he was the one that helped her by sprinkling water on her so she would wake up and then get the hospital staff ready to receive her.

Her go to person was always Sadiya so he kept her phone available always, he might have thought himself a stalker then but he knew he'd saved her life multiple times.

He didn't deserve the credit of course because he'd been the one to put her in that situation in the first place.

Suleiman's father a desperate politician who was in need of power pleaded with him to be given support, a back hand or a God father. What it took to be the under the care of one of the biggest criminal organisations in the world, the price had come at a really low and sweet price, a marriage between his son and the man's niece.

No one knew of his other son and he knew the legal accepted child of his did not deserve her but he'd never prided himself with having a conscience and he went through with it.

The deal had been put in place for a very long time, even her father hadn't known that and his refusal to get her married immediately after her SSCE was what saved her from the marriage.

Everything had been strategic, thier first meeting and everything in between.

He was supposed to woo her but he never had a soft spot for women, at least women from good backgrounds.

Things progressed and he won her mother, whom he'd learned was obsessed with getting her married and would push any available man on her since she didn't seem ready to find one herself.

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