25: Pink

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Long author's note at the end, please read

“Where were you?” Shaheed asked looking up from the multiple papers scattered on the centre table, he was still wearing his work pants which were grey, and sky blue shirt with the first two buttons open and the sleeves rolled up, his tie lay beside him.

“The construction site and checked the progress, they still haven't sighted JD,” Fahad walked to the fridge and took a bottle of water, he sent a silent thanks when he saw a cup “Oh and I just saw Dee” he said pouring the water in the glass, he sat on the arm of the chair and took a gulp.

“Who's Dee?” Shaheed whose gaze was back on his work asked not looking up.

“Layla's friend, dark and pretty.” though he felt pretty didn't cut it, looking for literary words to describe her wasn't necessary for two reasons, one Shaheed liked his silence so the shortest answer would suffice and two, the words would be an understatement.

Khadijah,” he acknowledged, “she came over again, she's a really good person you know, beat up a bit by life but I've never seen someone manage themselves like that.” He might've not known her that much personally, since Layla steered from his path, so did her friend and as much as he was thankful for that, he didn't like it, though Mamie said it was his fault for acting like a freezer, he didn't know what that meant either but wasn't a conversation he wanted to have.

This piqued Fahad's interest “You know her then?”

“Not personally, but Mamie talks about her a lot.” he kept quiet for a second before continuing “Her ex husband, I want to know that man.” he stated making Fahad frown in confusion, or curiosity, or both.


“Well for starters, he's a fool and two, I want to know what the hell he did to her, she is so rigid and that's from me, I've never conversed with her for five minutes flat but even I see the change, she used to be so full of life you know, joking and teasing but now, it's like smiling physically hurts her.” From what he's heard from Asad and Nazir, mostly Nazir before they left, he was mad about her, infatuated though, it wasn't love, they talked about how much she was jovial and her mere presence brought peace and serenity, now he couldn't say the same, coming from him who hated crowds, he could tell how much she steers away from them too and that just makes him wonder what happened.

“About that rigid, yeah, I've noticed and she always looks like she's ready to bolt, as if someone is following her.” he said the last part thoughtfully, shrugging, Shaheed changed the subject to Jawad because he knew it would be pointless, even Layla doesn't know what happened to her, she only told her bits and pieces, even with that he gathered the husband had been a devil.

“I have to call Dahlia.” Fahad muttered running hands through his hair, Shaheed turned to him questioningly.

“You have business with her?” he asked, He wondered what he wanted from the italian woman, she is a ball of fire, might look delicate though she's anything but, and maybe he was looking too much into it but she has a thing for Fahad and maybe he is the only one that saw it, he has never voiced it though.

“Things, did you know she's opening a new branch of her restaurant, with the way you keep getting on Layla's other side, it'll be good for apology.” Fahad joked getting up, he didn't wait for a reply and walked to the bedroom.

He dialed the number and sat on the single sofa in the room, he reached for his laptop and opened it, he had a bad habit of never turning it off, it spoils the battery but he didn't mind, he tried to stop, waiting for it to on was something he didn't like. He was about to hang up when her voice came through, steady and calm, with a prominent Italian accent.

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