Chapter 70: Pathetic Exes

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We're at 10k votessssss y'all 💃💃💃💃💃
Thank you guys so much and this chapter is decated to everyone that took their time to vote from the begining of this book till now. It means the world to me.

Happy reading...

May Allah save us from any distress, grief, hardship, harm, and make our trials easy. May Allah fill our hearts with imaan, our eyes with imaan, our ears with imaan and make us to follow the path of imaan. May we forever be on the right path.

Jumm'at Mubaraq❤️


Fatimah Batool adjusted her seating position feeling a sense of calm wash over her as she watched her husband pray.

She has always loved seeing him pray because he put his mind to it and all his movements were calm and at peace.

Early days in their marriage, she made sure to wake him up every night for nafl prayers even when she wasn't praying, she would sit on her prayer mat supplicating and watching him, that had made them extremely closer and she realized nothing brought a couple together like then coming together and performing an act of ibadah.

That's why sometimes, rarely but it did happen, she sits and think of where exactly they had gone wrong, she made sure to push those thoughts away from her mind by seeking protection from satan, he was the roots of those questions.

That was her test and she took it wholeheartedly, no need to ruin all her patience with unnecessary baseless thoughts.

He said the salam and did azkar before getting up and walking back to the bed, thier eyes met and he smiled at her.

She felt her cheeks heating knowing he still had that effect on her, even after so many years of being together and then the years they spent apart and everything in between, he still managed to make her heart skip a beat.

Farhan greeted him and she was glad his voice was welcoming, he asked about his health and prayed for his speedy recovery.

Hajiya Ladidi was silent watching the interaction and she felt the burn, as always.

She knew him with his other family was a sight that would always hurt her and she had done everything to tear them apart but they were right back again making all her sacrifices go to nothing.

She watched her husband's eyes glowing with love as he conversed with his eldest son, how interested he was in learning every detail of his life, at some point the mother had to pitch in and tell him to calm down with the questions, he wasn't going away.

That assurance had hit hajiya Ladidi because she could hear the determination in her voice, she was there to stay.

"Batoola, you didn't have to get on the road. You know how dangerous it is." Malam Sadeeq spoke in a soft voice, his tone worried.

Hajiya Ladidi looked away, hating him for making her feel hurt, he had a right to care for the woman she was his wife after all, what she couldn't stand was how into it he was.

It was something she couldn't explain mostly because she had imprinted that idea in her own head that he only cared for her out of obligation.

He had never denied it so she went on believing that.

"Let's not argue about this. I couldn't stay calm not knowing how you were."

"I'm fine alhamdulillah, it was just stress." She shook her head, her eyes glistening with tears.

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