5. Crash Flirting

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The days passed by in a blur and before she knew it, it was Saturday and as promised Layla knocked on her door at eight with a wide smile, lucky for her Hajiya Ladidi didn't open the door she would've had to answer the million questions the woman never stopped asking.

It wasn't a hidden fact that Hajiya Ladidi was not a fan of Layla saying she was a bad influence on her daughter, the fact that she was unmarried added to the her multiple reasons to dislike the lady, but the lady didn't care less what the woman thought of her, growing up she's had a lot of people not like her for measly things like her skin color, being a half caste wasn't exactly a walk in the park, but she didn't see herself as that, her mother was only half Lebanese so to her, she is a full fledged Nigerian Fulani girl and nothing could change that.

Khadijah was already dressed so they took off few minutes after she arrived, knowing her friend she'd gotten up early and got ready or else she would've dragged her either way, and she wasn't keen on making a bad first impression, not that she wanted to impress them but how you present yourself to people not only shows how much you value yourself but also how much you view them.

The drive wasn't that long from Unguwan Rimi where Khadijah lived to jabi east, the Aliero's lived in the quieter and more posh part of Kaduna state.

"Welcome to my humble abode"

Khadijah looked at the huge building ahead of them, and Layla's 'humble abode' doesn't exactly look like one because it was a mansion, three identical mansions to be precise, the one in the middle being the largest, even from the outside.

From the security at the gate down the long driveway that separated near the fountain that stood proudly at the front of the building making a small roundabout sort of, different flowers were spread out from the gate around the whole driveway in an immaculate design, the first thought that came to her mind was gorgeous and the second is along the lines of, how rich were the Aliero's? Apparently very rich, she knew from how much people tall of them, but then when she sat with Layla and sees how simple the lady was, she had no idea what to think.

Layla parked in front of the building by the right side and turned to her friend who was finding it difficult to stop gaping at...well, everything.

"Come on in, Mamie is waiting" Layla's voice snapped her out of her trance and she turned to the fair lady immediately, seeing the hesitation in her eyes Layla sighed softly "I can see the gears turning in your head and before you think about changing your mind I'll drag you out" she threatened jokingly but with underlying seriousness.

"No it's not that, why didn't you tell me you lived in a house that's straight out of a book?" Khadijah raised her brows in question with a teasing smile.

"Must've skipped my mind" Her friend shrugged smiling "Are you coming out or should I be a gentleman and open your door?"

"Shut up" she let out a laugh before she followed suit and got out.

Khadijah couldn't help but turn to the fountain again, it was a contrast to the buildings but complimented it at the same time, the house had modern designs with some parts that are just glass but the fountain looked more traditional with the design being three calabash with different sizes, the smallest at the top where the water falls to the medium and to the largest, the outer part of it looks like cows and camels bent and the water flows to the mouth, with the sunlight accentuating the intricate traditional markings on the calabash made it more unique.

"Hamma Mahmud spent like three months perfecting the design, he wanted it to be one if a kind" Khadijah snapped out of her trance like state upon hearing Layla's voice filled with pride for her brother, from what she's knew about them, he was Layla's favourite and vice versa.

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