Chapter 49: Peace

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“Where’s dee?” Layla asked Fahad who shrugged.

“Farhan said he took her home, an emergency.”

“Oh, I hope everything is alright.” He nodded taking a sip of his cocktail and looked around the still full hall, it was already eleven and they didn’t seem ready to go home. He was over with that.

“Are you okay?” he nodded not sparing Shaheed a glance, he had been hearing that question a lot lately and he didn’t like it.

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“You seem off.” He nodded at that.

“It’s nothing, I’m just tired.” Shaheed glared at him.

“At least you didn’t become a mother made driver and drove brats around for the better part of your day.”

Fahad smiled at that beside himself. “I’ll make it up to you.” The former only grumbled under his breath.

After thirty more minutes of pointlessly staring at people, he got up when he noticed his mother grateful she hadn’t tried to push cousins his way, it wouldn’t last. A small voice at the back of mind reminded.

“I’m making my escape right now before I’m forced to do the driver duties now.” He stood up and headed to his mother’s table, Huda who had been dancing to her heart’s content stopped when she caught a glimpse of her brother, she jogged to him with a big smile.

“Hamma, take a picture with me.” She said giddily.

“Noor, I’m in a rush right now maybe later.” He tried to pry her hands off his arm but she held on tighter tugging him with pleading eyes.

“Just one please, look the photographer is right there.” She pointed at one of the multiple photographers, with a resigned sigh he stopped for one picture which turned into three, then five and he stopped counting when some his cousins joined.

At some point he wondered if he was the groom because they were suddenly all wrapped up near him trying to get in the shot, he looked around and caught Shaheed’s smug smile, he raised his glass at him then took a sip looking like he has made it in life.

“I’ll kill him.” He muttered eyeing him.

“Okay, that’s enough now.” He heard a familiar voice say and turned in the direction. A dark woman, middle aged with a friendly smile on her face, she looked like dr. Sakinah but was not quite her, he didn’t know how to explain it.

“How about one with the bride’s mother then you can leave?” He smiled remembering why she looked familiar, Dr. Sakinah’s twin sister he chastised himself for being dumb, she was almost an exact replica of dr. Sakinah and he saw her when she visited his mother in Abuja.

“How are you?” she asked him as they posed for the picture. They took another with the bride and groom before she walked straight to where he was headed.

He greeted his aunts that were seated and two other women, dr. Sakinah’s sisters, though they didn’t share a keen resemblance with the one that was beside him, he shook his head again, they were twins for Allah’s sake.

“Ammie, goodnight.” He pecked her forehead oblivious to the stares he was receiving, she shook her head at his antics.

“No one is going to make you talk to girls so you don’t even have to fake sickness.”

“I wasn’t, I’m just tired and I’m driving myself home. Goodnight.” He didn’t wait for them to reply before he sauntered off. He set the course for the Aliero manor but stopped and changed to l’arte dei sapori they probably ween’t closed and he hoped Dahlia was there, he should’ve called her.

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