chapter 27: Hold Me

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Ramadan Kareem❤

"Good morning Mr Barkindo, how may I be of help?" Fahad gave the woman a once over, not really looking at her and shook his head no, the only thing he wanted was to be left alone to reflect on his life and check the paperwork he has ignored for the past few weeks, it wasn't helping matters that he had a meeting with the board of directors and he wasn't ready for it, he could just reschedule the meeting, that's what he's been doing for the past week or just face them head on, he chose the latter because like his father says, 'you are a Barkindo, you're always prepared, even if you are not'.

With those words of motivation from his father, he dialed his assistant who he was sure would grumble all the way to his office seeing as she just left, "Yes, Mr Barkindo!" her tone was sarcastic and he refrained from rolling his eyes.

"Can you come to my office and bring the slides for the meeting with you?" it wasn't a request, she knew.

"What meeting sir?" the sir had an edge to it, "You have about five meetings today each of which you've postponed more than five times, the people are getting upset and I'm at the receiving end of it." she sounded frustrated.

"Aisha just do your job for goodness sake, I want the papers in five minutes." he dropped the receiver on the table, hard.

He wasn't in the mood to play boss and assistant with his cousin.

"Perfect timing, can yo-"

"Good morning sir." Salis, their private investigator greeted making Fahad groan, he couldn't suppress it any longer.

"Morning Salis, what do you have for me?" he crossed his hands on his paper littered desk.

"Like you thought, Mr Dikko is in their family house in life camp, the only time he leaves is for prayer, he hasn't used his credit card or any other thing, I don't think there are maids or any other persons in the house, apart from the security that is." he nodded, he didn't expect anything less, Jawad wasn't reckless.

"Thank you." he was dismissed, Salis looked at him like he wanted to say something but then changed his mind and said his farewell.

"Well, here you go." Aisha banged the folders on his desk with a murderous look on her face. "Do you want anything else sir?" she asked, not sounding the least bit courteous.

"No that's all."

She stood over him for a minute before she tsked and went out the door, making emphasis of her annoyance by banging it, hard.

"We feel the same Sis." he muttered under his breath, if he could vent his frustration her way, the ten stoery building wouldn't be on its feet.

He sat back and closed his eyes, he opened it back up and massaged his temples, he's always like that on that day, 27th of June, Layla's birthday, as much as he loves his cousin, other things are in the way for him to be happy on her birthday.

Though he wanted to be there for her dinner, he wanted to be on his bed more away from reality and the pain that comes with it.

With those depressing thoughts on his mind, he heard his phone ring, not lowering his head, he stretched trying to reach for it, he stood up abruptly when he felt liquid spill, he'd forgotten about his morning latte which was cold thankfully, the phone stopped ringing and he groaned, he still didn't find it and the papers he had Aisha bring were ruined, he'll hear it from her.

Like he couldn't run out of bad luck, the phone started ringing again, this time he paid attention and almost screamed when he heard the vibration from his pants pocket.

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