Chapter 36: Support System

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Layla tried Khadijah's phone more times than she cared to count, it wasn’t through and that scared her, she'd racked her brain for the meaning of what Fahad said and came up empty each time.

Khadijah had mentioned a miscarriage once or twice she couldn't recall but she'd said something about that, though she didn't dwell on the topic and immediately drifted the conversation to other things, Layla let her do it because she felt she understood where she was coming from, which brought her back to the main reason, if she said she couldn't have children, she's had a miscarriage before, to Layla that is equal to having a child, though you lose it painfully, not only physically but emotionally too, it meant she could have, doesn't it?

Layla pinched the bridge between her eyes, her head was hurting from the multiple questions with no answers.

It was already late so she couldn't go to the house, not that she minded driving in the night, she may not like driving but she would do anything for her friend. With a resolve, she prayed for her, because that's more effective than her going or reaching her.

**** **** ****

Fahad fumbled with the house keys before finally opening the door, he was shaking with anger, not directed at his mother, maybe just a little for what she said but more at himself for not being able to control his temper.

He'd driven like he was on a race to hell before turning and going to a more secluded part of Asokoro and into a two storey building, it was elegant though small compared to the other houses close by but he didn't care about that, it was perfect.

He entered the dark foyer but didn't bother switching the lights on blindly waddling through the dark hall knowing exactly where he was headed, the fact that he was so familiar with that was a painful reality but he pushed that aside.

He stopped at a closed door at the far end of the hall, not thinking twice he pushed it open.

Hamma you're back” a female voice said elated followed by masculine laughter.

“I'll always be back Noorie, always.”

**** **** ****

Khadijah pried her eyes open with much difficulty, her whole body ached even though she was sure she didn't do any work.

With a prayer on her lips, she sat up straight immediately taking her head in her hands, massaging the temples to somehow reduce the throbbing she felt, it didn't work though not like she expected it to anyway, she regretted crying that much the night before.

She got up and went to the bathroom in desperate need to freshen up, she avoided the mirror more than usual and spent a little too much time under the hot water, she came out dressed then proceeded to rub cream, hajiya Ladidi would’ve flipped if she saw her but she didn't care at the moment, she couldn't even bring herself to care even if she wanted to.

She rummaged through the papers on her table and picked her sketchbook then sat back in her bean bag, she was sorting through colored pencils when she heard the sound of her door being opened, she turned instinctively remembering she left it open, Kamla entered the room with a sheepish smile. Since Baraka left with only a nod, she gathered she was to spend the night there.

“Good morning aunty Khadijah.” Khadijah answered her greeting with a smile, rather forced. “Umma said you didn't want to be disturbed but I just wanted to see you.”

Khadijah's lips stretched into a smile she wasn’t feeling but appreciated it nevertheless.

“No problem, did you want anything?” she kept the three pencils and looked up, giving the twenty three years old her undivided attention.

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