16. Silent whispers

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Please Important author's note at the end of this chapter.
Happy reading

Khadijah sighed for the third time and ran her hands over the intricate designs of her dark teal colored abaya, after finally deciding on the abaya and calming herself she picked her blush YSL bag and flat sandals.

She used her key and closed the house door and after driving her car out of the compound she went back and closed the gate, malam Sadeeq had travelled to Zaria for his friend's sons wedding and Hajiya Ladidi had gone to a naming ceremony of someone she didn't care enough to find out, it was mid afternoon already and since she wasn't praying she left the house when the Zuhr prayer was called, she wanted to be at Baraka's house before one thirty.

The event usually holds at Baraka's house since her husband, General Mubarak Usman Maigona whom they all call 'major' is the first male of the Maigona family, his elder sister used to be the host before they moved to Kebbi with her family. The picnic was mandatory to the family, since most of them were married and lived all across the country, they held it annually so their children could bond and not break the family tie.

She honked when she reached the house in Malali, She groaned remembering the million protocols before entering inside and instead of waiting for the uniformed guards stationed outside to interrogate Her with their never ending questions, they once claimed she wasn't related to the Oga's wife because she was dark, deciding it was easier to just call her sister so she would tell her security men to back off.

"Alright, I'll call them now" Baraka said then hung up.

"Aunty Dee!" Khadijah let out a small chuckle when Nanah crashed into her body in a hug, she hasn't seen her niece since they met at Sadiya's place after she returned from her anniversary trip.

"Nanah you want to fall ba" The overly excited girl only shook her head not letting go.

"Ina wuni" (good afternoon) the six year old greeted finally letting go of her aunt, she looked up with a toothy grin, well toothless she was missing two front teeth.

"Lafiya baby na, how are you?" (Fine my baby) she took her niece's little hands in hers and together they walked to the front door, she was about to push it open when it was opened from the inside, a familiar face smiled at her and she tried to recollect his name, she knew he was one of Major's younger brother.

"Uncle Bash, I told you my aunty will come" she fought back an A-ha when the name clicked after Nanah said it.

"Khadijah, two days" she heard his deep voice say and she looked up and smiled a bit answering with fine and asked how he was and his daughter which he replied in the affirmative.

"Sorry, come in" he stepped away from the door making space for them, Khadijah nodded gratefully and entered the house, the scent of bakhoor mixed with the AC wafted in the air, Baraka's brown English themed house gave off the homey and classy feel, making you feel welcome.

"Mummy, aunty Dee is here!" Nanah ran off in the direction of the kitchen. The only people in the living room were four kids she knew were Major's nieces.

"Everyone is out back" she turned to Bashir who she'd forgotten was there and nodded.

She kept her bag on the console near the dining room then walked to the kitchen to see her sister.

"Ya Baraka" she called to her sister who was giving orders to Two maids, Baraka was dressed in an army green lace, sewn into a bou bou, her head tie was in a turban from the same lace and her veil sat on her shoulders, she pulled her little sister in for a hug.

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