Chapter 35: Proposals II

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Have a lovely night ❤️

Fahad stared at the phone in his hands, he'd wanted to call and ask if she'd talked to Layla, not only that something just made him want to talk to her and he decided to call, he always trusted his instincts.

He checked the number again and searched his call log then messages, it was her number but it didn't sound like her.

I can't have kids

He'd racked his brain for the meaning of that, sure she can't have kids, she wasn't married but that would be, 'I won't', wouldn't it?

He ran his hands through his hair groaning when he felt it prickle, he hated that part of barbing, the growing part. He shook his head urging his thoughts back to the matter that had him questioning his ability to decipher English language, he called the only person he thought might have answers to his questions.

Layla picked on the fifth ring, he'd wanted to hang up but he heard the beep indicating she has picked.

"What's up hamma?" She questioned in her usual Layla self, he felt an ounce of joy but he retained control the call still fresh on his mind.

"Layla, did you speak with Khadijah recently?" he asked, his voice coming out in a rush.

"We were together earlier, any problem?"

"I just got off the phone with her and she's crying and saying things I can't understand."

Layla wanted to ask how he was on the phone with her but it went to the back of her mind when and heard the rest, "What did she say exactly?" her voice was steady though she was anything but.

"'I can't have kids' then she hung up, can you please call her and see what's wrong?" she replied with okay then hung up.

Fahad sat back and sighed, already having given up on finding out what she meant, he prayed she was okay then stood up and went out of his apartment for dinner, else his mother cooks and serves him instead, not that she was into cannibalism, though he would hope to be eaten than to be at the receiving end of her anger. Having dinner was a must when they were all around.

He'd gone and bid farewell to the woman and his aunt, his mother told him she is Dr. Sakinah's twin sister, he didn't know she had a twin though they had similarities but they didn't exactly look alike, and it brought him back to his earlier thought, she reminded him of someone and it wasn't Dr. Sakinah, he couldn't pinpoint who so he shrugged to himself letting the matter go.

"I thought you weren't coming out." Adnan stated catching up to him and they walked in step towards the house.

"How was the date?" Adnan scratched the back of his neck with a small smile.

"Well, Alhamdulillah, she was rigid at first but then she loosened up and yeah, it was amazing." Fahad patted his back fondly hearing the joy in his voice.

Adnan had liked her since forever but couldn't get himself to actually talk to her, he was proud of him for going after what he wanted and very happy that at least he was getting his happy ending.

"Masha Allah man, now please do and get married so your mother can leave me alone." Adnan's cheeks tinged making his brother chuckle.

"You do realize me getting married will only make her disturb you more, it'll go from wanting grandchildren to your younger brother being married and you well, you."

Fahad stopped abruptly which made Adnan turn to him in question.

"Didn't cross your mind?"

Fahad nodded, "Well yeah, you know what I'll figure it out before she thinks of something, ya Allah." he groaned loudly eliciting a laugh from Adnan.

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