23: Cupid Is A mother

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Dedicated to TheOmoope you're the best b😘❤❤
The new beautiful cover was made by her and it motivated me to update.

Khadijah, Act like you have blood in your body now, bring it fast” Khadijah fought the urge to groan, she knew that so called maman Abdul was bad news.

Hajiya Ladidi had woken her up by seven saying she had to get up and help her prepare snacks and drinks because Abdul and his mother were coming, she thought he traveled so she voiced it to which her mother answered saying the trip was postponed.

If she knows her mother well enough, she must've insisted on his coming but she didn't voice that, she got up and took a bath grumbling inaudibly all the while. She had just finished frying the samosas hajiya Ladidi made earlier, she was arranging them on the tray but her pace didn't seem to be fast enough for her mother.

Khadijah walked out with the tray in hand and dropped it on the center table she didn't know they had, she didn't bother asking where her mother got it from, only the woman knows her things.

“Better, they'll be here any minute, go and wear something presentable” Khadijah pushed her mouth forward, she looked okay in her A-shape gown with bell sleeves, she didn't bother tying the headtie so she tied a veil muffler style, not wanting to argue with her, she walked back to her room and rummaged through her wardrobe, nothing fits her fancy since she wasn't planning on dressing up for him, she hopes he would run for the hills since he'd always thought her a witch because of her eyes.

Her phone started ringing drawing her attention from the two gowns she held trying to decide which to wear, she smiled seeing Sadiya's name.

“Asslamu alaikum ya Sadiya, good afternoon” she greeted and Sadiya replied though her voice didn't sound at all like her. “Is everything okay? you sound sick” she asked worriedly sitting on the bed.

“Just fever, I talked with unma and she said you were going to meet with one Abdulmalik, before you say it's what you want better listen to me, I know how umma is and don't let her push you into another fruitless marriage, though we don't know how this one is but please Khadijah think about yourself, your mental health is way more important to me than your marital status or our mother's twisted beliefs, okay?”

Khadijah nodded with tears prickling her eyes she remembered Sadiya couldn't see her and muttered a small yes.

“Okay good, May Allah see you through, remember I'm always here for you.” she said Ameen and they both stayed quiet for a few seconds, each lost in his thoughts, “Please come by the house when it's over, I need a little help with the kids” Khadijah replied with she'll be there and after saying their goodbyes, she hung up and made way to the ensuite to clean up, as usual she avoided the mirror, after rinsisng her face and a couple of breathing exercises, she stepped out and picked the first dress.

A blue pastel flared out gown with regular sleeves, since the veil she tied was black she didn't bother changing, though she removed it from the muffler, she didn't apply anything on her face except lip gloss and even that was colorless, with a sigh she opened the door and walked out the same time she heard voices exchanging pleasantries, she reminded herself that she was an adult and no one would force her, with that she plastered the biggest smile she could muster which looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there, and entered the living room.

Hajiya Ladidi who had a broad smile on her face turned in time to see Khadijah entering, she had thought she would wear traditional clothes but seeing her like that made her almost lose her smile, she turned to maman Abdul who also just saw the new comer, Khadijah squatted a little and greeted her before making way to the empty seat which happened to be opposite Abdulmalik, she didn't have any choice but to sit, they exchanged pleasantries with his mother, she greeted him curtly and turned.

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