Chapter 50: Downpour And Liftups

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Juma'at Mubarak
Hope you all had a beautiful day.

We're at 50🌚

Fahad parked his car a few houses down, there were entirely too many cars and with the people walking to the house, it was hard to find a parking spot. Layla who’d been quiet the whole ride opened the passenger door and climbed down, her maroon hijab flowing after her, she started for the house after nodding at him. He said a few duas under his breath before exiting the car and followed Layla through he’d lost her in the swarm of people, he kept going since he knew where he was headed.

He walked in the chilly air registering how good he found the cold. The sky had been grey since morning showing signs of rain and he liked how the cold penetrated his skin. It had been too hot the past few days.

A lot of people were mingling outside, he had to squeeze his way through to enter the house. Three large mats were sprayed and mostly sympathizers occupied them, he saw Abdulrahman with an older man he didn’t need to be told was Khadijah’s father, they shared a keen resemblance, some of Abdulrahman’s siblings were there with their brother, though they weren’t saying anything, their presence was enough to soothe their brother he noticed.

He greeted the men and shared his deepest condolence, Abdulrahman only nodded in thanks still to overwhelmed to speak, Khadijah’s father was the one that replied and thanked him for being with them in their trying time.

Fahad could’ve sworn the whole world stopped when he saw the coffin being brought outside for the salatul janazah (Janazah prayer), he looked around and saw everyone moving towards the gate, since the prayer was being held there, the house was large but it couldn’t take the people that were in attendance it warmed his heart to see that much people. May Allah rest her soul, he prayed under his breath.

“Are you okay young man?” it took him a few seconds to acknowledge it was him they were referring to. He turned to the man that talked and nodded when he saw it was Khadijah’s father. He nodded at him but he didn’t leave still scrutinizing Fahad, “Are you sure?”

“Yes sir.” He answered though he sounded anything but. He nodded wordlessly and kept walking only then did Fahad realize he’d stopped walking, seeming frozen in place. He forced his limbs to move and they obliged. He commended Sadiya’s strength and Abdulrahman’s too, it wasn’t his child but it was taking all his willpower to not give up and just say, “Take me too, I’m tired of the bloody world” Because he honestly felt that.

It was after the janazah that his world crumbled, this time he was sure he couldn’t pick himself back up even if he tried. Sadiya was heading for the car calling out to her daughter, asking people to let her wake her up. He’d held himself together quite well but he couldn’t handle that.

It reminded him of Jawad, he’d cried out for her too, he’d tried to wake her up, the difference between that and the present was Fahad was awake to see the wailing mother crumble, that last time he’d passed out but this time he was seeing everything and it felt like a replay.

“Allah ya basu hakuri, oh, mutuwan da babban jarabawa ne,” (May Allah give them the fortitude to ear the loss, the loss of a child is indeed a great test.) someone said beside him, he didn’t turn, he found he couldn’t turn, his eyes stayed with Sadiya who was now in the arms of her husband, begging him to save their daughter, to take her back inside that she could wake her up.

Deceptive Glitters ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon