6. Aliero Humor

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They all turned to the source of the voice, Rear Admiral Asad Tafida Aliero entred the spacious living room from a door by the left side of the room, near the front door, it led to the other part of the house, Alhaji Tafida Aliero's section of the house, the biggest part where he held impromptu family meetings.

Asad is a 6'3 fair skinned Fulani man, Layla's immediate elder brother, Khadijah had only met him twice when she was a teenager, he worked with the Nigerian Navy, he has a nice sense of humor and smiled a lot but has a hell of a temper. He wore a simple black tee and dark blue jeans, simple yet elegant with his built but slightly lean body.

"Oh Allah!" Abba groaned inwardly and tried standing up but it proved to be a futile attempt because of his injured ankle, he sat back with a small yelp giving up.

"I can still see you" his deep voice sounded more threatening when he lowered it, Abba involuntarily recoiled back in his seat, being the youngest wasn't fun with large men and their deep voices commanding his every move.

"He hurt himself with those death traps I've told him to stop playing with multiple times" Mamie pointed to where the hover board was before.

"What death trap again?" he looked to Layla who shrugged before replying.

"His hover board" Khadijah was thankful for the momentary interruption, her social battery was on the low and she had not met even quarter of the family yet.

"Good for him" he sat close to his younger brother before finally looking at the guest who was fiddling with her fingers.

She looked the same, just more mature and unbelievably more gorgeous and radiant than he'd remembered

"So Khadijah, we finally get to see you" he let out a small laugh, she was a mouthful then, shy but sharp and always has a witty remark up her sleeve.

She only smiled at that, Mamie left saying she was going to see what they were doing in the kitchen, they planned to have breakfast late because of the long awaited guest, Khadijah had no idea how much the family had planned for her arrival.

"Should I still keep my shades off because no sun will kill me in a car?" Khadijah blushed at their hearty laughter, even Abba joined though he had no idea why they were laughing.

"Why are we laughing?" he asked still chuckling when the duo quieted down.

"Do you see your mates here? Go and help Azeema with her home work or something" Asad glared at the teenager who sat back down and swallowed his laughter, helping that girl with her work was like teaching a parrot, she would just ask you multiple questions that'll leave you gaping and thinking you're dumb.

"I was right though, was I not? You did enjoy the sun and you have no wrinkles" she smiled at the memory, he and Nazir were forced to pick Layla up from school because their driver was sick, he had put on his ray bans and sat in the tinted car with the all the windows up, he refused to even look at them while Nazir was flirting with her, he hadn't confessed his feelings to her at the time so she was free with him and thought all his flirting was just jokes, seeing the seventeen year old at the time, she'd teased him and told him to stop looking grumpy or he'd get wrinkles before he was twenty five and wouldn't be able to see without those things on his face.

"Well thank you for the compliment, I'm aware that I'm handsome though sitting opposite a damsel like yourself, I feel highly under dressed" Layla groaned the same time Abba muttered he can do it but I can't.

"Khadijah please let's go upstairs before more of these weirdos appear with their weird pick up lines" Layla dragged her halfway through her rant leaving the other two with disappointed looks.

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