Chapter 39: Goodbye

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I'm not dumb but I just realized it's four chapters before we get to chapter 40💃💃💃💃💃💃
So this is the second to the last update for the week, if I have the time you'll certainly hear from me
Virtual hugs and kisses

Happy Reading

“This is really getting old.” The man standing eyed his brother who was smiling smugly behind the oak table.

“For whatever reason would you say that brother,” he took a drag of his smoke and blew it in his brother’s direction, “I call this really good bonding time for brothers.”

“Not when you’re trying to kill me with smoke, that thing is bad for your health.” He pointed distastefully at the cigar the man held and he smiled ruefully in reply and took another drag.

“You don’t want me to die dear brother?” he questioned.

“I don’t want you killing yourself.”

“I’ll be fine.” He grunted a reply. “Why don’t you sit? Let’s talk.”

“I don’t have time for your games, I have a family waiting for me.” He stood up and turned towards the door.

“And I wonder which family that is, the one you abandoned or the beloved one?” he smirked when the man stopped dead in his tracks. His brother smirked knowing he struck a nerve.

“Shut up!” his voice was low and menacing.

“I do wonder if your son would be happy to be part of my team, he is a fine young man.”

Without a word the other man stormed out of the room.

“You’ll certainly be back.” He vowed turning his swivel chair.

**** **** ****

Abuja, Nigeria

Harrow Park Golf Club

“Aliero, long time no see.” Layla rolled her eyes at the overly nice smile the woman was faking and she forced an equally fake smile before turning.

“Mrs Usman, you look lovely as always.”

“Thank you dear, I love your Shoes, are they new balance strikers?” of course, there it was, she hated the fake brand minded women in the club but she brought herself so she might as well pay for her sins.

“Yes I think so, I would love to stay and chat but I’m meeting friends and I’m sure they’re here, see you around.” She left before the woman could think of a reply, single brain celled creep, she muttered under her breath.

Layla almost ran into the reception, she stopped to calm herself before inching forward and entering the place fully.

“Good day miss, fresh towels?” she absentmindedly picked one and nodded her thanks, she sat on one of the lounge chairs in the lobby with her phone in hand, she wanted to get it over and done with.

“Hello beautiful,” she turned with a bored look on her face to the person that spoke.

The man looked to be in his late twenties, maybe early thirties, good looking most definitely though she would rate his sense of style below zero, manageable. He was wearing a bright green polo shirt and equally bright red chinos trouser, his three 0’clock shadow was trimmed to perfection, too bad it didn’t complement his dressing.

“Are you waiting for someone?” he asked sitting opposite her, his strides smooth and sure, she’ll give him that at least she decided.

“Depends, what do you want?” she decided to have a little fun with him, besides why do people go to country clubs anyways.

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