Part 25 - Winter

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The days passed quickly; filled with wild stories from Velma's parents and kissing past midnight. Soon the weekend was over. School passed by in a haze, the Heathers were still mean but after the fight with Daphne they left Velma and Daphne alone. Daphne and Velma walked home together every day. Before they knew it, it was Friday. 

Daphne skipped ahead of Velma, the cold wind blew her hair back and caused her cheeks to turn a rosy pink. 

Velma smiled. 

Daphne fell back into step with Velma linked their hands together. Daphne's hands were warm, it was nice. 

"What should we do?" 

Velma looked at Daphne, "Now?" 

Daphne scoffed, "Yes, now." 

"We could go to the park." Velma shrugged. All she was thinking about was the warm shower that waited for her at home. 

"We did that Tuesday." 

"Ok, what do you think we should do?" 

Daphne looked around, as if in deep thought. "Well, it is still the winter," 

Velma snorted, pulling her hat further down on her head, "Yeah I've noticed." 

"And there is ice," Daphne continued ignoring Velma. 

"Yes, that normally happens when it is winter" Velma replied. 

Daphne stuck her tongue out at Velma and Velma chuckled. 

"I was going to suggest we go ice-skating, but I guess you're being too much of a brat to go." 

Velma perked up at that. "Wait no, we can still go." 

Daphne crossed her arms and turned her head away from Velma, but Velma could see she was smiling. 

"Look I won't be a brat," Velma tugged on Daphne's arm and turned her back to face her. Velma pulled the most sickeningly cute face she could and stared up at Daphne, "Seeee,". 

Daphne burst out laughing and soon Velma did too. 

"Well after that whole..." Daphne gestured to Velma's face, "performance, I can't very well say no." 

Velma laughed and shoved Daphne, "Shut up,". 

Daphne ignored her and started racing down the sidewalk, "ONWARDS VELMA, OUR NEXT ADVENTURE AWAITS!" 

Velma laughed shaking her head in disbelief and raced after Daphne.


This was a shorter chapter, for that I'm sorry. 

I am planning on rewriting some of the first chapters, because my writing was a bit confusing. So far I have the first two chapters rewritten and I'll add them as soon as I publish this one. Some of the chapters might become longer. If you don't want to reread the previous chapters right now you don't have to. I'll tell you guys when I've finished rewriting all of the ones I need to. The overall story won't change much don't worry, but I will add more details to just make it a bit better. 

I hope you all are staying safe! Hope your holidays went well. 

I hope you liked this part. 


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