Part 23 - Cheeseburger

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Warning there are some scenes that are a bit "steamy" (or at least a bit inappropriate) in this part.

Daphne's POV


The two stepped into the restaurant, Velma weighed down by Daphne's shopping bags.

"Why did you have to get so many shoes." Velma groaned as the two sat down in a booth.

The two had decided to go to the mall after the whole incident at school and Daphne had gotten very carried away with shopping.

"I don't know I just love shoes." Daphne shrugged.

Velma chuckled, "Or do you just like to drain your sister's bank account.".

"That too." Daphne said as she slid her sister's credit card back into her wallet, which conveniently for her, her eldest sister lost two days ago.

Velma laughed loudly at that causing a few people to stare.

"Sooo what do you want to get?" Velma asked as she stared down at the large menu.

"Oh I don't know I'll probably have a salad or a sandwich or something." Daphne said as she glanced at the menu.

"Ok I'm gonna get the cheeseburger," Velma responded.

The two ordered and the food came surprisingly quickly, while they were waiting they talked about basically nothing which was actually quite nice for Daphne.

"Mmm, this looks good." Velma said as the waiter set down Velma's plate in front of her.

"Thank you," Daphne said to the waiter who smiled in response.

Daphne looked down at her salad and was about to take a bite when Velmas moans caused her to look up.

"This is so good Daphne you've got to try it." Velma said when she noticed Daphne staring.

"Oh, no thanks I'm good." Daphne said as she looked back down to her salad trying to get her mind out of the gutter.

"Are you sure," Velma responded with a sly smile. Velma leaned over the table and whispered in Daphne's ear. "It's practically orgasmic."

Daphne's cheeks rushed red and she stood up suddenly. "Bathroom. Now." she said as she raced to the back of the restaurant.

Velma's POV

Velma was left bewildered at the table but slowly followed Daphne, curious as to why Daphne got so upset.

Is she angry with me?

Velma entered the bathroom cautiously. "Daphne?" she whispered as she checked under the closest stalls for the familiar pair of violet heels.

A stall door about two stalls up from where Velma was standing swung open and Velma heard Daphne's voice whisper, "In here.".

Velma entered the stall, curious as to why Daphne would ask her into the bathroom. As soon as Velma stepped inside, Daphne swung the stall door shut and pushed Velma up against the bathroom wall.

Daphne started to plant kisses all along Velma's neck, turning Velma's cheeks a shade of deep red.

Daphne crept back up Velma's neck, towards her earlobe. "Daphne what are y-" Velma started but was cut off.

"I want you." Daphne whispered, making Velma let out a moan.

"I-" Velma stopped herself in fear that she wouldn't be able to say anything intelligible.


Daphne chuckled as she continued to make very prominent hickeys on Velma's neck.

Velma narrowed her eyes and flipped Daphne around switching their positions.

"What's so funny?" Velma whispered seductively into Daphne's ear which sent a shiver down Daphne's spine.

Their lips connected in a frenzy of passion, Daphne moaned loudly as Velma's fingers made their way to her shirt.

Velma fumbled with the lavender button-down that Daphne was wearing.

All of a sudden one of the stalls in the bathroom banged open along with the sound of a toilet flushing.

Velma, who still had her hands on the buttons of Daphne's shirt, and Daphne who had her legs wrapped around Velma's torso both froze in fear.

Shoes squeaked across the ceramic tile of the bathroom, and the sound of water hitting the bathroom sinks' solid surface. The shoes squeaked yet again and Velma and Daphne heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened. With a sigh, the woman let out one word, "Lesbians". With that, the bathroom door slammed shut behind her.

As soon as the door closed Daphne let out a giggle, which soon turned into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"That was hilarious," Daphne said as she detached herself from Velma.

"No that was mortifying," Velma said as she pushed up her glasses and sunk to the bathroom floor.

Daphne sat down next to Velma still letting out a few chuckles here and there.

"Aw come on it wasn't that bad," Daphne said as she started buttoning her shirt back up.

"It was quite funny when she said Lesbains," Velma finally added making both of them crack up at Velma's imitation. 

The two turned to each other and Velma noticed a twinkle in Daphne's eye.

"You knowwwww..." Daphne said slyly as she ran her fingers down Velma's arm.

"What?" Velma asked humoring Daphne.

"We could go back to what we were doing, you know before our..." Daphne leaned in and whispered the final word into Velma's ear, "interruption".

"Oh yeah and what were we doing?" Velma asked with a smirk.

Daphne swung her leg over Velma so she was now straddling her and started to lift up Velma's shirt.

"This," Daphne whispered.

Velmas cheeks heated up and she grabbed Daphne's hand before it could go any lower.

"Not here."


Hi, guys sorry that I always update late. I'm thinking of doing a Halloween special, so if you guys have any requests for Daphne and Velma's costumes you can comment them here. :)

Thank you guys for voting and your positive comments I really appreciate it and it always makes my day.

I hope you liked it!

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