Part 12 - Haze

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Velmas POV
Velma went about her week after the whole party episode, but there were still thoughts prodding at the back of her mind.
Did Daphne like her?
Was Daphne even gay in the first place?
Since Daphne had said all those things in the car did that mean Daphne did like her?
If Daphne liked Velma why did she immediately go back to the Heathers once they were at school?
"Velma.... MISS VELMA!" Velma broke out of her thoughts noticing that the whole class was waiting on her reply to Ms. Caster their Biology teacher. Velma shook her head focusing on the question. "The answer is DNA." Velma answered quickly not wanting to get detention on a Friday.
"Very good!" Ms. Caster replied looking back at the board.
Velma hazily went through the rest of her day. She eventually got home after trudging through the drizzly rain. Sighing she jumped on her bed kicking off her shoes. School is so boring nowadays. It was more fun when I got to hang out with my friends. Velma thought, thinking back to the day and how Daphne barely glanced at her in the halls. Velma quickly rolled off of her bed, wanting to get Daphne off of her mind. Grabbing her laptop she decided to finish some homework. After all she wasn't going to get detention because she couldn't stop thinking about Daphne.
After a few hours she had finished, closing out of google classroom she quickly opened Netflix. She had just started watching Friends and had gotten really into it. Before she ended her episode her stomach started growling. Hopping out of bed she went downstairs to get a snack. Since her parents weren't going to be home for a while Velma decided to make a big batch of lasagna. Once she made it she placed it in the oven and set the timer. She then went upstairs and got comfortable again on her bed. Just before she pressed play on her episode there was a tap on her bedroom window. Cautiously she went over to her window and drew back her curtains. Standing dangerously on a tree branch outside her window was Daphne. Velma was dumbfounded, standing stock still until Daphne's tapping on the glass brought her back to earth. Velma hastily opened her bedroom window letting Daphne in. So many questions raced through Velmas mind. Why here? Why now?
Hey guys, I cannot tell you how annoyed I am rn. I had a really long chapter for you guys but then it got deleted so you guys are gonna be stuck with this sh*tty one for now. Sorry. Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed it! 💖

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