Part 2 - Boxes

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Velma's POV


"What's in the boxes?" Daphne peered over Velma's shoulder trying to get a closer look.

"It says it's candy."


"Yeah, weird right?"

Velma was just about to suggest they go get the others when the loud footsteps sounded from the hall.

"Quick get down," Velma whispered, pulling Daphne and herself behind the large desk in the corner.

The footsteps entered the room and Velma realized it was only one person. It was quiet for a long time and Daphne's hand gripped Velma's tighter.

"Girls are you in here?"

Daphne leapt out from behind the desk and Velma let out a sigh of relief.

"Freddy! Don't give us a scare like that." 

Velma pulled herself up from behind the desk, Daphne was chattering on about how they found the room but Fred's eyes glanced at something else. Velma followed his line of sight to Velma and Daphne's intertwined hands. He looked almost upset.

What is going on between Fred and Daphne?

Velma swiftly removed her hand from Daphne's and had another look around the room. 

She turned away from the two and started looking through the desk. The top of it was bare so Velma tried the drawers. They were unlocked and were stuffed with different papers and files. She pulled out the biggest file and spread it open on the desk. There were a lot of graphs and numbers but Velma focused on what looked like the product reports. The lists weren't that conclusive, but if one thing was sure, this place wasn't holding candy.


Velma looked up at Fred and Daphne. His arm was around her waist, Velma didn't know why that bothered her, there was time for that later. They had both turned to look at Velma, waiting.

"I think I just solved it."


I hope you like this chapter. Sorry again if the next few chapters are confusing, I'm trying to rewrite some of them so please just bear with me.

The photo I used at the top is from

Thank you for reading!


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