Part 13 - Window Talk

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Velma's POV
Velma shut the window behind Daphne as rain started to fall outside. Daphne crossed her arms looking uncomfortable, almost as if she wanted to say something but couldn't.

Velma sighed. "Why did you come through the back window you know my front door is unlocked." Daphne avoided eye contact and looked around the room. "I don't know I just supposed you would have to let me in if I was hanging onto a tree branch outside your window." She replied still adverting her gaze. Velma nodded, the room soon filled with an uncomfortable silence only occasionally filled with the sound of Daphne's panting breath. She must be very winded from climbing that tree. Velma thought to herself. Growing impatient Velma asked, "Why did you come here, did you have something to tell me?"

"No uh yeah I wanted to tell you something um," Daphne blurted out rubbing the back of her neck. "The Heathers don't want me hanging out with the Mystery Gang anymore."
Velma scoffs, "Yeah no shit"
"What do you mean Velms I-" Daphne protests looking away from Velmas piercing gaze.
"You haven't talked to me since the party Daphne and now you're acting like you're ending our friendship." Velma says moving towards the guilty Daphne.
"I'm sorry Velms-"
"No" Velma continues "Daphne our friendship ended when you sat with those brats at lunch, I tried you know." Velma paces around her room.
"I tried to think that you were gonna come back, but I guess you always were a Heather at heart huh?" Velma finally looks at Daphne. A single tear falls down Daphnes face as she takes a deep breath.
"Velma you didn't have to say that." Daphne says quietly.
"Oh really Daphne what was I supposed to say huh? Did you want me to beg for you to come back?!" Velma almost screams.
"No Velms, I just wanted to tell you that we can't be friends anymore." Daphne chokes out tears streaming down her face.
"Don't fucking call me that!" Velma shouts, taking off her glasses and rubbing a stray tear from her face. The room goes quiet and Daphne whimpers.
"You don't need to yell Velma. You clearly don't want me here and I don't want to stay here." Daphne says making a move towards the window.
"Oh really." Velma chuckles, "Cause the night of the party all you wanted to do was to STAY HERE!"
"What are you talking about?" Daphne asks innocently.
"Oh don't give me that crap you were all over me the drive over here." Velma says seeing how it makes Daphne squirm.
"I'm not a dyke Velma so please stop saying that I am." Daphne says quietly opening the window.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Velma shouts but a Daphne doesn't move.
"Ok fucking leave see what I care! But don't ever come back here we wouldn't want people thinking you're a dyke like me!" Velma says turning away from Daphne.
"That's not what I meant Velma." Daphne responds.
"Just fucking leave already." Velma says not turning around.
Daphne jumps down onto the tree branch below. With a final glance back at Velma she leaves.

Once Daphne is gone Velma collapses onto the floor of her bedroom sobbing.
The sound of a ding breaks Velma out of her thoughts. She quickly wipes her face and hurries downstairs.
Screw Daphne she thought I don't need her
So this is really shitty I'm sorry wlw scenes will come in like 2 chapters. I'm sorry for the late updates. I don't have much motivation for this book anymore but I'll push through 💖thx for reading!

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