1🔥Wet and Rainy

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"Welcome everyone to Cardiff University! Over here is the reception table. Please pick up a visitor badge and help yourself to any of the freebies."

You were a 17 year old living in London with your mum. Your dad had hooked up with your mum and left once he found out she was pregnant. He had told your mum that he already had a family and life and having you would ruin it. So he left and your mum had moved away to England. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Then when you were 16 you found out that you had a half brother. who was 9 years older than you. As soon as you found him on Instagram and messaged him. Once he found out it took a few days for him to message him back. But you were completely fine with that once he told you that he didn't know that his dad had other children. I mean that would really ruin your dad if you got a message from a complete stranger who lives in a different continent basically saying that your dad who left when you were 7 had another child and never told you. Especially if they both had a great relationship now. But slowly you two started building a relationship. You had still never met him but you two facetimed at least twice and week and constantly messaged each other.

Right now you were looking at Uni's for Maths or Physics. You knew that most people didn't like those subjects but you were in love with them. For you they just made sense and you loved the fact that they only had one right answer. It was either right or wrong. It was simple. However you hadn't found a right fit for uni yet. None of the Uni's you had been to had the right vibe for you. There was always something wrong with it.

It wasn't as if you could talk to TK about it either, he didn't go to uni. He knew that he always wanted to be a firefighter so that is what he did as soon as he finished school. I mean you had spoken to him about it and he had tried to offer advice but he didn't really know what to tell you.

That's why it felt like you were at your 100th university look around. Your mum had gotten fed up with looking at universities with you so stopped. Now it was just you and sometimes your best friend, Amy, who were looking at uni's.

" How does Cardiff look?" You looked over to see Amy with 2 visitor passes and about a thousand freebies.

"It looks good but I don't know if I can actually understand the welsh accent and I don't like how cold and rainy it is." Amy just gave you a look that said give it a chance and then nodded over to the guide who had started talking again.


It was a few hours later and you were on your way home. You knew that you definitely didn't want to go to Cardiff.

It was then that received a message from TK.

How was Cardiff? Hope it went alright and helped with your Uni choices

You smiled. He always seemed to message at the right time and always helped to put a smile on his face.

Wet and Rainy. Definitely a no

He instantly came back with a reply.

Think you're in the wrong country then, do you want to call later?

Aren't you on a shift?

Yes? Doesn't mean I can't call you

I don't want to stop you from saving someone's life

I'll end the call as soon as I'm needed, okay?

Sure then!

You then realised that you had almost arrived at your train station. You stood up and got ready to go.

Once you had arrived home you unlocked the door and went to find mum.

"Total failure, I know that I'm not going to go to Cardiff."

"That's a shame sweetheart. But I'm sure you'll find the perfect university soon."

"Thanks mum. I'm gonna go to my room, TK's gonna call soon."

"I don't get why you and TK act like siblings. He's basically the reason you don't have a dad."
And there it was. Those 2 sentences basically summed up why you and your mum weren't extremely close. She kind of blamed you for your Dad leaving and it showed sometimes. You couldn't wait to move out and do what you wanted without her shouting at you. Instead of replying you just walked off to your room.

TK was one of the only people who made you feel like you had an actual family. Sure you felt like Amy was family but realistically you knew that she had her own family to go back home to. She didn't really need you. You didn't speak to your dad either, he had never reached out. To you that basically showed that he don't want to talk to you. You didn't even know if he knew that you and TK talked. That TK was your big brother even though you had never met. He knew you existed because he had to pay child support once a month until you were 18 but not once had he even sent you a birthday card. Hell he probably didn't even know if you were a boy or a girl. As soon as he ran out of your mum's life he stopped talking to both of you.
It was upsetting that TK had been able to get a good relationship with him while you didn't even know what he looked like. But it was life and life seemed to hate you.
Just as you were falling deeper and deeper into your pit of despair and pain you received a text from your favourite (and only) brother.

I'll be free in a couple of hours if you want to call then

Maybe life wasn't so bad after all

Sure, I'll call in like 3 hours?


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