30🔥Game Night

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It's a day later and Judd and Grace are holding a game night at theirs. They've held them before but this time Thalia decides to come. She hasn't actually met Grace yet but she is quite excited to meet her. Grace is Judd's wife and Judd never stops talking about Grace. It is quite cute how perfect their relationship was. They had the type of relationship that Thalia wished to have someday. Judd had told Thalia that Grace was a 9-1-1 operator which Thalia thought was really cool. 

TK, Owen and Thalia had just walked into the Ryder household when she saw Marjan. She quickly ran off from Owen and TK and towards Marjan. She hadn't seen Marjan in over 2 weeks and she had really missed Marjan. Marjan was probably the closest firefighter to Thalia apart from TK and Owen. Marjan greeted her with a hug and they chatted for a few minutes before she saw another female come over.

"Hi, you must be Thalia. I've heard so much about you from everyone."

"Hiya. You're Grace right?"

"Yes I sure am. Would you like a drink?"

"Yes please!"

Owen quickly comes over and says something before Grace can grab a drink for Thalia.

"No alcohol for her, Grace. She isn't legal to drink here."

"But I'm legal to drink in England....."

"Technically you aren't sis. You still have to wait like 2 weeks and then you are legal."
TK had come over as well. Thalia just huffed at her brother.

"I wasn't going to give her any alcohol anyway."
Thalia now looks over at Grace with a pout on her face.

"Well Y'ALL are all spoilsports."

"Aw she's turning into a real American now."
Everyone laughs at Judd's statement and Thalia's pout grows even further.

"Well I'm going to go and get some drinks for everyone."
Thalia started to follow Grace but her Dad called out her name.


"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to help Grace with the drinks because you are all ganging up against the poor English girl."
She enters the kitchen and hears the laughs from everyone else follow her.

Grace hands her a couple of wine glasses and then gestures for her to put them on the table.

"So I hear that you're looking for a job?"

Thalia nods in reply and grabs a normal glass for herself and TK.

"Yeah, but I haven't found one yet that I think that I'll be happy in."

"Yeah, Judd was telling me that you were going around the firehouse and asking people what they did before they became a firefighter."

"Yeah I'm hoping to take inspiration from other people. So what is it like to be a 9-1-1 dispatcher?"

"It is weird sometimes. I can't tell you how many times I received a call where I'm like, is this true? But it is also amazing, it is really nice to go home and know that I've helped to save some lives. Don't get me wrong it is heart-breaking when I haven't been able to save someone or someone didn't get to them in time. But all the wins are a hundred times greater than the losses."

"That is pretty cool to know that you've helped save someone's life."

"Yeah, usually people forgot how much work the dispatchers put into the calls as well. They usually only remember the firefighters, paramedics and policemen. But personally I think that the dispatchers put in the most work."
Both Thalia and Grace cracks smiles at this.

"So it's kind of like you guys are the invisible superhero's?"
Grace just nods before finishing to prepare the drinks.

"Do you think that I would be able to become a 9-1-1 dispatcher?"

"Accent might be aa bit tough for some people..."
Thalia smiles at this.

"I'm being serious, do you think I could become one?"

"You never know till you try! However there are other jobs around 9-1-1 dispatchers."

"Did you have a job before 9-1-1 dispatch?"
Grace nods and tells her about previous jobs that's she had and helps put job hunting in perspective for Thalia. Just as Grace finishes speaking, Judd walks in.

"Well hello. Are you ladies alright here?"
They both just nod. Grace gives Judd a couple of drinks for Marjan and Paul. Thalia grabs TK's  and Owen's drinks and goes to give them their drinks. She then heads back for her drink and then returns to her Dad and TK. They were currently sitting on the sofa so Thalia decided to sit on the floor near them.

"So how is this Game night going to work? "

"We might have to re-sort the pairs out."

Grace starts to sort out the pairs and Thalia grabs her Dad's attention. He leans down and she quietly whispers to him.
"I hope you know that I'm really glad that you're my Dad"

The End.....

The sequel is in process

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