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"Do you have any tea?"

Owen looks over from the coffee machine to Thalia.

"I don't think so. It's not really an American thing. I mean you do get Iced tea but I don't think you're talking about that."

"No, I'm not. We have ice tea in England but it isn't that popular and I'm not sure it is the same thing. So no to tea bags?"

"Yeah. TK and I don't really have tea."

"Not even like a fruit tea or anything?"

"Uh no...."

"God Americans are so weird sometimes...."

Owen just smiled at her instead of replying.

"Would it be alright if you got some next time you go shopping?"

Owen nods at Thalia's question before speaking.

"I actually think we might have some at the station. God knows why. But I'll look and bring some home if there is."

"If they have English Breakfast tea then definitely bring that. If it's Earl Grey then don't bother. It tastes like piss."

"Didn't you tell us that was a rude English word?"

"I don't think I did actually. You must be making things up. I have no idea what you're talking about."

Both Owen and Thalia are grinning madly at this. Owen then left the kitchen to go get ready for his shift.


It was several hours later and Thalia was in the car with TK and Carlos. He was currently sitting in the back. TK had called the front seat and when Thalia was about to argue about it he said that he was older and injured so it was only fair that he got the front seat. Thalia hadn't stopped complaining for the first half an hour that they were in the car but eventually TK had told her to stop complaining as it wasn't going to change anything. So she then put her earphones and started ignoring TK for a bit. Mainly because she was still annoyed that he got the front seat but also so that TK and Carlos could speak without her interrupting them. So really she was doing them a favour. Even if TK didn't know that and thought she was ignoring him because she didn't get the front seat. But she wasn't about to tell him the real reason.

They would arrive at the uni in around half an hour. Thalia kind of hated how long it took to get to places in America and how Americans were so used to it. Like in England if you were going on a trip for longer than an hour then you planned the whole day for it while in America they were use to a 2 hour journey just to go to the shops or to get to work. Thalia wasn't use to it and she was pretty sure that she would never get use to it. They couldn't just pop to the shop to get milk or something if they run out. It was a weird concept for her.

Thalia was slightly nervous to look at this university. She had seen so many and each one that she had looked out had something wrong with it. She just wanted one to be perfect. One to not have any problems with it.

They pulled into a parking lot and Thalia stopped her music.

"So you aren't going to ignore me anymore then?"

TK had turned around and noticed that Thalia wasn't listening to her music anymore.

"I wasn't ignoring you! I was being polite and allowing you and Carlos to chat without having me earwigging on your conversation."


"Uh I was being polite."

"Didn't know you could be..."

"Well that's extremely rude of you to say something like that."

TK just scoffs before changing the topic.

"So are you excited to see this Uni then?"

"I'm a bit nervous to be honest. What if it isn't the right one for me?"

"Well then we can go visit another one. If we don't find one that's right for you then we can find something else for you to do..."

Carlos had stayed quiet during this interaction.

"However it would be nice if you maybe choose one in the state. It does take a while to drive across the country..."

TK just softly hit Carlos in the stomach.

"You aren't helping....."

Carlos just gave a small smile, Thalia was smiling at their interaction. She really loved TK and Carlos together. They were perfect for each other.

"Let's go and see this Uni then....."


Thalia couldn't stop smiling as they got back into the car.

"Omg that Uni is so good. I love it....."

Both TK and Carlos were smiling at her. They had seen her smile grow throughout the day. Thalia was so happy that she hadn't even noticed that TK had gotten into the back. She had automatically gotten into the front seat without noticing.

"We still might want to go to another Uni just to check that you found one that you love. Uni's in America are different to Uni's in England so you might just love it because it's a different country."

Thalia just nodded.

"OMG! You let me have the front seat..."

"Yeah, I was feeling nice"

"Guess that only happens once in a blue moon..."

TK leaned forward to hit her lightly but winced when he fully stretched his arm out.

"See, even Karma's telling you that you need to be nicer..."

"Not sure if Karma is saying that or if it isn't the fact that I was shot when I was trying to save someone."

"Those are technicalities that we can ignore."

"Are they now?"

Thalia just hummed before grabbing the aux chord.

"What?! You can't sit in the front and get the aux cable!"

"It isn't as if you can reach it. Besides it is a well known rule that if you sit shotgun then you get the aux cable."

"I think that is only a rule in England."

Carlos interrupted their little argument to side with Thalia.

"No TK, it is a rule in America as well."

Thalia just laughed at this while TK was there in shock that Carlos was against him in this argument.

"I can't believe you guys right now..."

They both just continued to laugh at him.

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