4🔥The Zombie Awakens

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It was decided. You were going to Texas. You knew you had a passport as you and your mum had gone to France the previous year. So thankfully you didn't have to apply for a passport and wait like 10 years for it to arrive in the post.
You were looking at plane ticket prices when you received another message from Carlos.
Your brother is awake and everything seems fine, doctors are just running a few tests to make sure that everything is 100% okay.

Thank you Carlos, I really appreciate you letting me know

TK was awake! You couldn't believe it. You started jumping up and down in excitement. He was safe and everything looked fine. You weren't going to loose your brother. You felt so happy and relieved. You never thought that you were going to have to go through something like this. But you were glad that at least everything was alright now. Well alright with TK. You and your mum still hadn't talked since yesterday.  It upset you quite a bit. She had been your only family for 16 years of your life and now she wasn't talking to you because you wanted to expand that family. You didn't really understand her but you decided to continue your homework that you had started a few days ago. There wasn't anything you could do now about it and if you were going to run away to Texas for 2 weeks you needed to make sure that you had caught up on all of your homework.


It was a couple hours later when your phone light up with a notification . You knew that it was either TK or your mum as your phone was on Do Not Disturb and only they set off notifications when it was on do not disturb. You figured it was your mum messaging you letting you know that she was going to work or something but instead it was TK. You were shocked. You thought that he wouldn't be on his phone as he should be resting but you couldn't say that you weren't glad that he did message you.

Hey Thals, really sorry I haven't had a chance to message you recently. I had a bit of an accident
I promise I wasn't ignoring you

The Zombie Awakens! Nah its fine, Carlos messaged me on Instagram a few days ago letting me know. I hope your feeling okay

Ha ha, real funny
Carlos messaged you?
I'm feeling alright, I don't really remember what happened but I'm feeling good

That's really good, probably means that you won't get any nightmares about it so that's one less thing to worry about
Yeah, he said you two were friends and just wanted to let me know

I mean it's probably really traumatising for the boy that shot me, I'm going to see if I can visit him soon
That's really sweet of Carlos

A boy?!?!?! I don't actually know how you were shot, did they tell you how
How come you've never mentioned Carlos before?

Oh we were helping with a home invasion that turned out to be a man with early on set dementia who thought he lived in his old house, then the grandad of the kid fell unconscious so we went to help but the door was still locked from earlier. I used a battering ram and when the door opened the boy accidentally shot me, I think he thought his grandma and grandad were still in danger so wanted to protect him.

Oh that poor boy,
I notice how you ignored my question about Carlos

Oh look at the time, I should really be getting some rest

Night 😑
Hope you feel better soon, I'm really glad your okay

Night Thals, love you

Love you to

You couldn't believe TK. He was linking with someone (even if he didn't know what those words meant). You already knew that he was gay, he had told you about a month after you had messaged him. Really he had done it by accident, he was speaking about his jerk of an ex  (who wasn't an ex then but a boyfriend) and casually mentioned that He loved Italian. You hadn't even noticed until TK asked if you were alright with him being gay. You being the oblivious queen you are just asked why he brought it up out of nowhere. You then looked back because of how confused you were and realised what he was on about. You then messaged him telling him how supportive you were and that you still wanted him to talk to you and be your brother.
That was the first time you called him your brother. What you didn't know was that he cried of joy when he saw that. Mainly because you called him your brother but also because you accepted him. He had received backlash about it before and he didn't really want it from someone he would consider family.
You were really glad that you had messaged TK that day and he had now become family. Really glad.

He was also really happy that you had messaged him. His family had suddenly increased when he became a firefighter. He had the 126,his Dad, his Mum (who he called sometimes) and You. He loved being your big brother, you two didn't fight really but he often said that was because you guys had never met. He doubted that if you two lived with each other that you two wouldn't fight at all. All siblings fought occasionally so it wouldn't be uncommon or the end of the world. 

He really did want to see you in person and hug you and spend time with you without having to do it via Facetime or some other social media app.  He was going to try and plan to come to England at some point but he knew that it would now be pushed back now that he had gotten shot.  He also knew that it wasn't likely that you would come to Austin mainly because he lived with your Dad. It would just be too awkward. If he only knew how much you would sacrifice to make sure he was ok.

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