8🔥Welcome to Austin

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The next few days were the slowest days of your life. You were full of dread about running away but also full of excitement that you would get to meet your Dad and TK for the first time.

Carlos had messaged you a few times saying that they were going to hold a get better party for TK at the firehouse and that's where you would surprise him about your visit. It was quite nerve-wracking that you would meet all of TK's friends and co-workers as well but it would be nice. 

You and Owen had also been slowly messaging. He would ask about your day and what subjects you were taking. He was extremely interested about your college because it was so different to USA. But you two hadn't actually facetimed or called since you spoke to him about going to surprise TK. 

You and TK also hadn't spoken as much. You were rubbish at keep secrets so you just pretended that you were busy doing homework. He understood that you were busy because the year was a major exam year but he still felt that something was wrong. He wasn't going to bring it up though. He was already to busy thinking about his life. He had told his Dad that he didn't want to be a firefighter anymore and it was quite stressful to think about what he did want to do with his life.

All he had ever wanted was to be a firefighter but now he wasn't sure. His Dad's date had said that 2 near death experiences tended to do that but still. He was 26, he was suppose to know what he wanted to do with his life now.

Thankfully Carlos was taking TK out that afternoon as he was busy in the morning. Carlos wasn't telling TK what he had done that morning but TK was kind of alright with it. He knew that Carlos had a life outside of him but he was kind of tired of everyone hiding things from him. First his Dad hadn't told him about his lung cancer ,Thalia wasn't calling him and kept saying she was busy and now Carlos wasn't telling him where he was going.


Thalia had been sitting on the plane to Texas for hours now. She had left her mum a note telling her what she was doing and had sent Carlos a message when she got on the plane. She was currently just listening to music. When the speaker came on telling them they had a few minutes till they landed. She couldn't wait to get to Carlos's and sleep. She was exhausted as she had never slept well on planes. Who did? She put her phone away and gathered all of her belongings together. She wanted to leave this plane as soon as she could. She saw the air hostesses going around collecting rubbish and making sure everything was safe for landing s she put up her tray table before they got to her and fastened her seatbelt.

The landing wasn't too bad and Thalia was relieved to get off the plane.  Everything with security went alright and she messaged Carlos when she finished with security. She then made her way to baggage and waited until she saw her bag. Once she had grabbed it she stood in the arrival lounge and looked around to see if she could see Carlos. She couldn't see him but she didn't really know what he looked like. She had only seen Instagram pictures of him and sometime Instagram photos were extremely different  to what people actually looked like. She got out her phone again and was starting to message Carlos when she got a tap on the shoulder.


"Uh yh, you're Carlos right?"

"Yeah, it's really nice to meet you"

Thalia nodded before grinning.

"You to, so are we going straight to yours."

"Yes,  then uh your Dad is going to pick you up and take you to the 126. You'll only have an hour or two at mine but there are beds in the 126 so you can rest when you get there."

"Oh are you busy or something?"

Carlos nodded before scratching his neck in embarrassment.

"Uh TK and I are going out...."

"Like on a date or what"

Carlos then suddenly coughed before grabbing your bag.

"Uh we should probably get going"

"God you're just like TK. He's always ignoring my questions."


Carlos froze but you carried on walking.

"Let's get going then"

Carlos quickly jogged to catch up to you and pointed the way out and to his car.

"We've got an hour and a bit to mine, so can you can fall asleep now if you want."

"No, it's alright. I need to adjust to the time zone anyway. "

You and Carlos had spoken for a bit about TK and how they met. Thalia learned a few things before she accidentally fell asleep. Carlos was fine with her falling asleep as it probably had been a long day.  


"Hey Thalia,"

Thalia was woken up by Carlos shaking her shoulder. They had stopped and were parked in front of a nice looking house.

"We're here. Welcome to Austin, Texas.

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