18🔥Like a Wattpad book!

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Thalia went straight to bed when she got back. She was shattered and needed her rest. Owen understood that however TK was a little confused seeing as he didn't know about her panic attack.  However Thalia had asked that Owen explained to him what happened. She didn't want to have to explain to him that she had a panic attack and answer all his questions. She just wanted to sleep.


"So she had a panic attack?"

Owen hummed in response.


"Uni I think? That's what we were talking about before she had her panic attack."

"Right okay."

"TK, life is very hard for her right now. Her Mum's kicked her out and she doesn't know where she's going to stay when she's back at college. She also has extremely important exams this year and she needs to make a choice on what she wants to do at Uni."

"Bet you're glad you never had to go through that with me...."

Both Owen and TK crack a smile at this.

"Well she hasn't overdosed or gotten shot yet so I honestly don't know who is the easier person right now."

"Touché touché"


Thalia didn't wake till 5 in the morning.  She didn't realise that she had fallen asleep in the clothes that she was wearing yesterday but apparently she did. Her jeans were now crinkled and her shirt has countless wrinkles in it. She got up and changed into some comfier clothes however she knew that she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. She really hated jet-lag. Thalia then decided that if she wasn't going to be able to get some more sleep then she might as well go into the kitchen and make some tea. That was if they even had teabag in the kitchen. Knowing how much Owen loved coffee it wasn't likely that they had any English Breakfast tea. God these Americans and their funny drinking habits. Who didn't drink tea? It was like the best beverage to exist.

Thalia made her way into the kitchen anyway. She would at least attempt to look for tea. If they didn't have any she would ask Owen to get some.  

She wasn't that surprised when she didn't find any so she pulled out her phone and made a reminder to ask Owen to get tea bags.

She figured that Owen and TK wouldn't be out of bed for a few hours so she got busy with her phone. She messaged Amy and told her that she was in America visiting her brother and her Dad. Amy responded like straight away due to the time difference.

How cool is this right? I'm in Texas visiting my brother and my Dad?!?!

Omg, I'm so jealous. So did your mum take you then?

Nah, but she paid for a ticket

I'm surprised she even did that. I swear she hates your Dad after he abandoned you and like refused to speak to you at all

Fun fact, Mum actually lied about that. He did kinda run away but came back less than a week later but she had already moved to England and refused to have any contact with my Dad. He would call like once a month but she would just hang up . He also sent me birthday cards and set up a Uni fund.

Omg! Your life is crazy I swear. It's like a Wattpad book!!!!! 

How's TK?

Good yeah, it's been really nice to visit him. I absolutely love it here.

TK and I are going to look at Uni's here while I'm here

You might be going to Uni in America?!?!?!

Well it's not as if I found one I really like In England

Fair enough

Thalia didn't want to tell Amy that she had run away and that her Mum had kicked her out. If she did then Amy would just worry about her and wouldn't enjoy her break from school. She would tell Amy about it later when they were nearer to returning to school. 

Thalia told her about other things though, like the fact that she had arrived just before a solar storm hit Austin. Amy had asked what it was like to experience one but she had told Amy that she was asleep for most of it. She had only really been awake for the first 5 minutes of it and even then it didn't really impact her .Her phone and laptop had shut off but they returned to normal a couple hours later. So really it had been like it had never happened.

Her and Amy had messaged for a bit before Amy said she had to go. Her family was going out for a day. Thalia then went on her phone for  few more minutes before she grabbed her laptop and decided to watch a show.

Owen came down once she had watched a few episodes when Owen came down.


Owen jumped as she spoke.

"Sorry wasn't expecting anyone down here. TK usually sleeps in so."


Owen just hummed in response to this.

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