16🔥Health Freak

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TK had messaged Carlos and asked if he was able to be their chauffeur for tomorrow (Owen didn't want TK driving and I mean fair enough). Carlos had replied a little while later and said he was okay with it. Thalia was still grumbling about being a third wheel but was quite happy to look around Texas a bit.  TK would just ignore her whenever she mentioned her third wheeling.

TK and Thalia were currently watching a TV show. To be honest Thalia wasn't really sure what the show was actually about but TK loved it so who cares. 

"What time is Carlos finishing his shift?"

"I'm not sure actually, I'll message him and find out. "

Thalia nodded and they went back to watching the show. A little while had past before TK spoke again.

"Carlos said he's working late tonight so won't be able to pick you till like 3am. "

"Oof. Do you think that maybe Owen could drive me over there before then. I have a key so I would be able  get in."

"We'll ask him at dinner."

They once again carried on with the TV show. 

"So what actually is this TV show about, I haven't really been watching it!"

TK looks over to Thalia with surprise all over his face.

"I haven't really been watching it either, I didn't ask to change it because I thought you were enjoying it...."

They both start laughing and just as they're about to stop they look at each other and set off again.

"Dinner's ready....."

They both attempt to run towards the kitchen however TK pushes her and she falls over her feet.

"TK that wasn't fair!"

He just laughs before running off.

"You aren't suppose to run! You're suppose to be resting!"

Thalia continues to grumble as she walks into the kitchen.

"You need to tell him off,"

"I'm perfect! There isn't a reason to tell me off"

"Sorry didn't realise you were an angel Mr. I Got Shot And I Then Had To Get My Stitches Redone A Few Days Later "

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, it isn't as if you're perfect either."

"What are you talking about. I am quite literally an angel."

TK just scoffs but before he can reply Owen interrupts.

"Okay you two. Let's maybe eat instead of arguing?"

"She started it..."

Thalia whips her head round when she hears TK mumble that under his breath.

"Sorry who's the adult here."

"Right well anyway. What time is Carlos picking you up?"

"Uh he doesn't finish till 3am. So could you maybe drop me at his later. I have a key."

"Or you could stay the night, we have a spare bedroom."

"Um sure why not. I still need to pick up some stuff though."

"I'll drive you after dinner then and you can pick up stuff. TK can message Carlos and tell him what's happening."

Everyone nods and start eating.

"By the way I totally won that"
Thalia mumbles under her breath so that only TK can hear her but before he can reply she speaks again.

"So there's nothing wrong with this food or anything but I thought that all Americans ate were burgers and pizza."

"Oh Dad's a complete health freak. "

"I am not a health freak!"

"So why have we never had pizza since we've arrived in Texas from New York."

"We have!"

"If it was when I was in the hospital then it doesn't count."

Thalia laughs while Owen just stops speaking. He knows that he will just dig himself a bigger hole if he keeps talking.  

"Nice to know that you two are going to gang up on me now then."

"Wouldn't have happened if you told him off for shoving me earlier."

"I did not shove you!"

"Then what did you do?"

"Gently tap you?"

"As if. I'll be surprised if I don't get a bruise from you."

"A Bruise? You're just exaggerating."

"No I am not. It's those useless muscles you have."

"Useless huh? So am I suppose to help save people from burning buildings and crashed cars with only my brain then."

"Well if you actually used you're brain then people might be saved quicker..."

"I can't believe you just said that. Can you believe she said that Dad?"

TK then turned to his Dad.

"Well she's not wrong....."

"Why are you two ganging up against me?"

"Because it's fun?"

"Are all British people this rude?"

Thalia gasps.

"I'm not rude!"

TK just scoffs.

"Right, I think I'm going to move out if you two keep arguing like this."

Owen speaks before TK can continue. 

The rest of the meal went well. Everyone talked and laughed, Thalia really enjoyed it. She felt like they were really a family and that's one thing that Thalia wanted her whole life.

"Right let's go and get you some stuff for the night and tomorrow."

TK had offered to come with Thalia and Owen but they both said that they would be fine without him. They then both headed to the car and started to go Carlos'.

Fire At HomeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora