13🔥Crepes Or Pancakes

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Thalia wakes up at roughly 4am, the jetlag waking her. She knows that she won't be able to fall back asleep so she goes into the kitchen with her laptop and schoolwork. She then grabs a water and some fruit before sitting at the table. She starts to do some more homework and doesn't realise how long she's been doing her homework till Carlos walks in.

"Good Morning Thalia. Did you sleep well?"

"Uh yeah, I mean i woke at 4am from jetlag but I just started on homework so it's alright. What about you"

"Oh yeah I slept quite well. TK messaged last night and offered for you to come over for breakfast. I can drop you on my way to work."

"Yeah that will be great. What time do you plan on leaving?"

"Is half an hour alright?"

"Yeah, Do I get to ride in a Police Car!"

Carlos chuckles at this and shakes his head.

"No sorry. I pick it up at work."

Thalia nods before going to get changed into something more suitable to leave the house in. She still had her PJs on.

Half an hour later and Thalia was ready to leave. She thought that she might be late but she was actually the one waiting for Carlos.

She mentioned it when Carlos came into the kitchen, he just chuckled before they left to go to his car. Thalia was quite nervous to have breakfast at Owen's and TK's. TK would be alright but it would be slightly awkward with Owen.

Once they arrived Carlos literally just dropped her off before pulling away. She knocked on the door and TK  opened it.

"He was running late so he didn't have time to come say hello and before you say it's my fault, I was standing by the door for 10 minutes before he was ready."

TK laughed at this and let her come inside. She walked into the kitchen and saw that Owen was there. He smiled at her as she entered. She smiled back. 

"We're making pancakes for breakfast, do you want some?"

Thalia nodded and started to go over to help but Owen told her to go sit with TK and make sure that he actually stayed still and didn't hurt his arm anymore. Thalia smiled at this and made her way to TK. They were chatting about Uni's when Owen walked in with two plates in his hand.

"Not going to lie but when you said pancakes I didn't really imagine this."

Both TK and Owen looked at her confused.

"Uh in England, our pancakes are your crepes. The thin ones. We don't really have these. So I wasn't exactly expecting these."

Thalia kept looking around the table to see what Owen and TK would put on their pancakes.

"What do you usually put on your crepes?"

Thalia then looked up from the table to see Owen talking to her.

"Uh, usually I put golden syrup on them."

"We have some maple syrup or some golden syrup you can put on them. I usually put  butter and brown sugar on mine though."

"Can I try that please?" Thalia meekly asked. Owen then passed the butter and brown sugar to Thalia. She started putting the brown sugar on but Owen stopped her.

"Don't put too much brown sugar on, it will ruin your teeth."

"God you're turning into the Dad I had when I was like 13." TK suddenly said. This brought out a laugh from both Owen and Thalia. It seemed to break the awkward atmosphere which Thalia was really thankful for.

"So when is your next shift?" Thalia asked Owen.

"Well usually we work a 24h shift and then we have a day or two to rest. So it should be in a couple of days."

Thalia nodded.

After breakfast, Thalia had offered to help clean the table but Owen had refused. He said that TK wanted to talk to Thalia. Not going to lie but those words sounded scary. What did he have to talk to her about? God she was terrified.

"TK! Owen said that you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that maybe we could go take a look at a few Uni's here."

"Uh I don't think I can get a student loan in America..."

Owen had walked in already.

"Oh when you were born I made a college fund for you. I also made one for TK but he didn't go to college so he can use his whenever."

Thalia didn't say anything for a few minutes. She was stood there in shock.

"You what?"

"I made you a college fund"

She turned to TK still with her mouth open in shock.

"Did you know about this?"

"I knew I had one but I didn't know you had one,"

"Why wouldn't she have one, she's...."

Owen was cut off by Thalia running up to him and hugging him.

"Thank you so much. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

"Let's go look at Uni's then!"

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